Seventy-year-olds queued for two hours to get COVID-19 and flu vaccines at Iveywe

On Wednesday, hundreds of people under the age of 79 had to stand at the Ifevi station for more than two hours, asking Sergas health professionals to receive double vaccination against COVID-19 and influenza.

“We came in at a quarter past twelve and left at ten past two,” said a woman who went to the Ivey facility with her 72-year-old mother. People in this age group have been called here since last Thursday. More than 20,000 in the health field.

Traffic jam, “a mess”As one user defined it, this happens at vaccination kiosks, where the queues grow longer and longer as citizens willing to be vaccinated arrive. After noon, more stalls opened, staff increased, and the lines began to flow, much to the relief of those waiting.

Sanidade is no longer considering these doses as boosters for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, but this is the first time the vaccine will be seasonal, like the flu.

After vaccination for this age group, the vaccination ends for people in their sixties, because this vaccine is not recommended for people under 60 years old without risk factors.

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