Quails River now clear of protozoa that caused Tarazona gastroenteritis

Results of the latest analysis of the river bed carried out by the Ebro Hydrological Consortium (CHE) Qualls The river has been determined to be free of Cryptosporidium oocysts, the causative agent of a gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona that was discovered in early September.

In a statement, the Aragonese government noted that on October 10, the CHE collected new water samples in the Soria area of ​​the river and at the outlet of the fish farm and has informed the Aragonese government that the results were negative.

Analysis of samples collected on September 26 by the Ematsa laboratory, funded by the Aragonese government, did detect high levels of protozoan oocysts.

On October 16, the Aragonese government commissioned the final deployment at the Queles River and supply areas. water from affected areasthe third consecutive week reflected values ​​well below 0.1 oocysts per liter of water.

But, that Oral drinking water restrictions Tarazona, Los Fayos, Torreras and Novaras Until the end of treatment in the supply network.

Over the weekend, the supply network of four cities in Zaragoza was treated with a biocide that is incompatible with chlorine.

Therefore, when Chlorine content If conditions are sufficient, it is expected that restrictions on water use in the distribution network may be lifted within a few days, but the advice for vulnerable groups (elderly, young children and sick people) not to use water will remain in place.

The Government noted that the Government of Aragon and the Ebro Hydrological Federation will continue to carry out analytical controls, while clear measures are being developed for the implementation of UV technology in the water treatment plants of the four affected municipalities.

The project will launch in Tarazona next November and will continue in three other cities.

The exact source of this outbreak is unknown, so we are committed to taking steps to ensure permanent water security.

On the weekend of September 9th to 10th, a gastroenteritis outbreak was declared in the city of Turiazon.

On September 14, laboratory culture results of the patient’s feces confirmed that the pathogen of the epidemic was a protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium.

Subsequently, the presence of protozoan oocysts was confirmed in the Soria stretch of the aforementioned river, prompting the involvement of other autonomous communities (Castile and León and Navarra) and national administrations.

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