7 Ways to Treat Psoriasis Outbreaks in Cold Weather

Additionally, infections like strep throat typically peak in the winter, and this and other illnesses can trigger outbreaks, according to the AAD.

How to deal with winter psoriasis outbreaks?

With all of these potential triggers in mind, you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to control your symptoms.There is no way to completely avoid psoriasis outbreak It’s any time of year, but the following tips can help you get through winter more comfortably.

1. See a dermatologist, especially if you have symptoms

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, all people with psoriasis psoriasis They should see a professional dermatologist. This is even more important if symptoms worsen or worsen over time. Additionally, you should consult a specialist if the treatments recommended by your primary care physician don’t work or if you’re interested in trying a method they don’t offer. “We have many medications that can help, including topical medications, oral medications and ultraviolet light treatments,” Dr. Burris said.

2. Consider light therapy

It is one of the most common and effective treatments Mild to moderate psoriasis. There are many different types of phototherapy, such as narrowband UVB therapy, broadband UVB therapy, and laser therapy.Depending on your symptoms and type psoriasis No matter what you have, your doctor may recommend that you try just one type or a combination of them.

The exact reason why light therapy is effective in treating psoriasis is unclear, but researchers believe it can inhibit skin cells related to immune responseeventually subsided inflammation. This effect may be due to multiple complex processes occurring in the body.

If your doctor recommends light therapy, you may want to see him or her three times a week for 10 to 15 minutes each time, Dr. Ferris says. Over time, you may not need to go to therapy as often. “I have some patients who come in maybe once a week and it works really well for them,” Ferris noted, adding that others do well when they come in every two weeks.

3. Try to keep stress levels as low as possible

“The ideal situation is to control pressure As much as possible,” said Dr. Burris. “We really don’t know why stress causes psoriasis and other diseases skin disease It gets worse, but that’s what it is”.

If you are not sure how to relieve pressureconsider yoga, meditation, journaling, exercise, sharing how you’re feeling with a friend, or making an appointment with a therapist or other mental health professional.

4. Avoid hot showers

Hot shower or bath winter They may feel good temporarily, but they won’t do you any good in the long run.In fact, hot water can Severely dry skin and remove its nourishing oils. The AAD recommends showering and bathing for no longer than 10 minutes, and Warm water rather than hot.

5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

this dry skin It wreaks havoc in the winter, especially if you suffer from: psoriasis.Mayo Clinic recommends using Moisturize every day, or even more than once a day if it helps relieve symptoms. Make it a habit to moisturize immediately after showering and reapply lotion throughout the day if your skin feels dry and uncomfortable. The AAD also recommends using fragrance-free creams and ointments to avoid skin irritation.

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