8 Food Supplements to Boost Your Defense

Support the immune system to prevent or better fight respiratory infections The typical characteristics of autumn and winter are one of the most common motivations that lead us to acquire nutritional supplements.

Choosing the right product is a challenge because of the huge variety of products: there are thousands of reference products available for sale in pharmacies and herbal medicines.

Food supplements: properties

A huge difficulty in finding your way among the abundance of offers is that manufacturers They cannot report indications for supplements If these have not undergone rigorous scientific scrutiny.

Man holding capsule between fingersMan holding capsule between fingers

As far as nutrients are concerned, European law only allows the inclusion of brief statements on labels, information leaflets and advertising: «Contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system».Nutritional supplements that may carry this indication are those containing Copper, iron, selenium, zinc or vitamins A, C, D, B12 and B6.

multivitamin supplements

All of these nutrients that play a role in immunity are usually found in multivitamin supplements. But if you want to supplement a single nutrient, you can choose vitamin C, vitamin D or zinc.

  • Vitamin Cat a dose of 200 mg, it is possible Risk of colds halved According to a review of 29 studies, among people who exercise a lot, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The same dose shortened the duration of symptoms by one day.
  • zincnecessary immune cell development To fight viruses, such as neutrophils and lymphocytes, they produce antibodies. Daily doses of up to 100 mg can shorten the duration of a cold or flu by two to four days if you start taking it when you first feel sick.
  • Vitamin Da dose of 1,000-2,000 IU (international units), Reduce the frequency of respiratory infections. Most of the vitamin D we need is synthesized in the skin from the sun’s UVB rays, but many people can benefit from supplementation under medical supervision because they do not receive enough natural sunlight exposure to obtain optimal vitamin levels. .

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