Two serious scorpion bites in La Rioja cause concern

Eduardo Bazán, epidemiology director of La Rioja Province, gave an interview to the Independent media and introduced the epidemiological situation in the province in detail, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to household hygiene to prevent the spread of mosquitoes that spread dengue fever. sex; and expressed concern over cases of gastroenteritis and scorpion stings recorded in recent weeks.

Two serious scorpion bites in La Rioja cause concern

Regarding dengue fever, Bazin said, “We are entering an era of increased risk of mosquito spread, so it is important to talk to your neighbors to remember prevention and alert measures, clean your house and avoid mosquito breeding areas.” Is it through this vector – Egypt Aedes mosquito-borne,” health professionals said.

He also said that this year “has been the worst year for dengue fever cases in our country, and looking back over the past 20 years, we have been increasingly affected by this disease. La Rioja is no exception, it has mosquitoes and a subtropical climate, so we You have to deal with dengue, Zika and chikungunya,” he said.

At this point, he noted that eradicating mosquitoes would be difficult, but it would be possible to keep levels low “so that there won’t be an epidemic.”

On the other hand, he expressed concern about the increase in the number of hospital visits due to scorpion stings. “In the past three weeks, we have had two serious cases of hospital visits due to stings and other cases. This is definitely related to the high temperatures in these weeks. .” In October, we remember that they must be extra careful and should check shoes, clothes, beds, etc. “These spiders are venomous and can cause severe cases; but not all.”

When stung by a scorpion, he recommends applying ice to the area and then going to a hospital for evaluation. Home treatments are not recommended, and avoid squeezing or puncturing the bite area. He noted that antivenom is available at two hospitals in each province.

Finally, he highlighted the increase in gastroenteritis at this time of year as it relates to the handling and preservation of food.

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