How to consume rosemary to reduce stress and improve memory?

replace drug Traditional Mexican specialties rosemarya plant with different uses, fighting physical ailments, stimulating hair growth, improving memory and eliminating physical signs pressure.

Stress is a worry or nervous The World Health Organization explains that this is a natural response to threats and other stimuli.

If stress is not controlled, it can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.Additionally, stressful situations can produce “memory loss,” which is a defense mechanism psychology.

Therefore, rosemary It becomes your best ally in the fight against these discomforts.

Rosemary plant. Source: Freepik

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Typically, rosemary is used to treat digestive disorders, such as digestive disorders. indigestionGastritis, colitis, gas and stomach inflammation, explains the Medical Library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

It is also useful in treating diseases respiratory system, including angina, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and cough, etc. Rosemary has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiseptic and balsamic properties.

The characteristics of this plant shrub are fragrancewhich stimulates the central nervous system to combat memory loss and reduce levels of cortisol, a stress-causing hormone.

An article in the medical journal Elsevier details how rosemary has traditionally been considered natural supplements Even the smell of it has a relaxing effect on the body.

In this sense, it not only reduces stress, but also anxiety and depression.At the same time, it has neuroprotective properties, benefits memory and helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Rosemary has a relaxing effect on the body. Photo: Pixabay

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To improve memory and reduce stress, rosemary It should be taken as an infusion or tea and is made from the leaves or even roots of the plant.

Prepare rosemary tea You need to add a handful of sterilized leaves and 150 ml of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, then it must be filtered through a filter.

Experts recommend eating rosemary tea Warmth, preferably at night, will lull you to sleep and relax your body, promoting better rest.

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