They asked not to take it lightly

Dayan Lagada


The fact that Cajeme tested positive for the AH5N1 avian influenza virus in one of its production units raised a red flag for the entity’s animal health, and the entity has taken steps to eliminate the problem.

In this regard, infectious disease experts explained that the virus is carried by migratory birds from other countries because they have become somewhat asymptomatic upon contact and can move normally and spread wherever they go. arrive.

They stress that the biggest problem occurs when they somehow arrive at poultry farms, where the chickens are in another environment, rooted or contained, and are not equipped to deal with these viruses, which can lead to huge mortality and Production issues.

That’s why authorities are asking producers to sacrifice potentially sick animals at a production facility to contain the virus and prevent its spread.

On the other hand, they said that this disease may be the next pandemic that may approach humans, because although its transmission from birds to humans is very difficult, it cannot be ruled out that the virus has mutated and harmed human health. .

They recommend checking farm workers simply to rule out infection, as the virus can enter through the nose and mouth, and although the possibility is slim, it should not be taken lightly.

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