Poniente Health District will offer flu and COVID vaccines this weekend on a walk-in basis

Friday, November 3, 2023 2:17 pm

The Poniente Health District of Almeria, part of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), will vaccinate residents against influenza and COVID-19 this weekend. First aid points at six health centers will be activated to provide services to users. To get your dose, no appointment is necessary, just follow the requirements set out in the current vaccination schedule.

The vaccination campaign organized by the Poniente Health District of Almeria aims to accelerate the immunization of target groups in the region. It will be held in health centers in Roquetas de Mar, Aguadulce, Ejido Norte, Adra, Vícar and Berja. Health professionals will be available to the public on November 4 and 5 from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm without interruption. The event will be repeated simultaneously next weekend (November 11th and 12th).

People aged 60 years or older are invited to visit established vaccination sites without making an appointment in advance. Families with children 6 to 59 months can also use the weekend to protect small children, children 6 months or older and adults with dangerous medical conditions. Health workers will review each user’s vaccination record individually and will also vaccinate pregnant women and women who have given birth within the past six months. Finally, professionals from the national security forces and corps can participate without reservation.

Citations via Education Center

Meanwhile, Almeria’s Poniente health district has brought its flu vaccination campaign closer to educational centers. Through school nurses, parents are informed of the need to protect their children from the influenza virus, especially children aged 6 to 59 months and children older than 6 months with chronic medical conditions. Families will receive an information letter with a vaccination appointment specifying the date, time and corresponding health center. At the school district, families are asked to attend designated appointments or request an appointment through their health center, the ClicSalud website or the Salud Responde app.

The vaccination campaign against the 2023/2024 influenza and COVID-19 started on 9 October, with vaccinations given to people in nursing homes and disability centres; people over the age of 85, and health and social care professionals. Since October 16, people over the age of 70 have also been vaccinated; children 6 months or older, adolescents and adults with chronic medical conditions; highly dependent people and professional caregivers at home; pregnant and postpartum women need to vaccinate children Anti-influenza vaccine, children aged 6 to 59 months need to get the childhood anti-flu vaccine. Starting in December, family members of people over 60 years old, people with chronic diseases and high-risk groups, as well as pregnant and postpartum women will receive influenza and new crown vaccines.

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs recommends that all target groups receive influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations to effectively and safely prevent serious infections from these viruses and avoid hospitalization. Likewise, it recognizes and values ​​the efforts of health professionals, especially nurses, to ensure timely vaccinations.

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