Another farm in Mexico infected with bird flu

written in The country’s he

mexico city. – Mexico detected First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza AH5 A poultry production plant in the city of Kayemé, Kayem State, this season SonoraThe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) released the report on Saturday.

The agency said in a statement that as a result of epidemiological surveillance carried out by technical staff of the National Service for Agricultural Food Health, Safety and Quality (Senasica), “the official laboratory in Hermosillo, Sonora, reported a case of H5 Positive result of avian influenza” “Highly pathogenic, tested by RT-PCR”.

Subsequently, technicians from the Mexican-American Commission for the Prevention of Foot-and-Mouth and Other Animal Diseases (CPA) from Senasica traveled to the area to diagnose the situation and “take necessary preventive measures.” to curb the spread of the virus.

Among the first measures taken, the Directorate General of Animal Health (DGSA) “announced Full and clear quarantine of affected farms and internal quarantine in the state of Sonora“, which means that to mobilize poultry from poultry production units (UPAs) in the state, “it is necessary to conduct PCR tests to prove the absence of the disease. “

Chickens on the Farm | Pixar

In addition, the DGSA reports that the Senasica laboratory has carried out the necessary tests to obtain more data on the virus affecting UPA to which hens vaccinated with the immunogen last year will be exposed.

“Once the biologic is proven to be effective in protecting birds against the strains of the virus that have entered this year, Senasica will authorize the strategic use of the vaccine and it will begin in Sonora,” Sadr said.

The agency noted that the vaccination strategy can start on the first day of November in areas with high animal health risks and on farms specialized in raising hens and breeding hens, as they are essential for protecting the production of chicken and eggs. country’s supply.

The agency recalled that the affected production units had 90,000 laying hens spread across six chicken houses, with 15,000 chickens being culled in one of the chicken houses at an age of 110 weeks, which was considered the end of the production cycle hen.

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