In Burgos, nearly one in 10 children under 5 years old received a flu vaccine within three weeks

According to official figures from the Ministry of Health, more than 1,000 children (1,021 children aged 6 months to 5 years old) have been vaccinated against influenza in the first three weeks of the campaign. This means that more than 9% of children in this age group have responded to the invitation to protect themselves from health authorities, who for the first time have included this group among those recommended for vaccination. A total of 35,823 doses of vaccine have been administered throughout the Burgos region; half of them were people over 75 years old.

In Castile and Leon, influenza virus prophylaxis is usually reserved for people over 60 years of age. But a new recommendation is added to this recommendation every year, with the aim of avoiding complications among groups considered most vulnerable and preventing health services from being saturated. Therefore, in addition to children from 6 months to 5 years old, smokers are also included in the event for the first time.

The remaining “risk groups” remain unchanged from the previous campaign: health and social hygiene workers, teachers; workers on poultry, pig or mink farms; employees of state security forces and institutions; pregnant women and those breastfeeding for less than six months and who are Women who did not take preventive measures during pregnancy; people with chronic diseases… For this you must make an appointment.

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