Anxiety makes Luceros bleed

this Anxiety, translated into numerous unforced errorsa face passed by Invoice from Automanía Luceros in his duel yesterday vs. Disiclín Lalín, who ended in a beating (30-39) The two teams were tied for the first 20 minutes. From there, the visitors took advantage with a couple of goals and thoroughly outplayed Adrian Mendes’ side, who were fast but had little success both defensively and offensively, ultimately bleeding the scoreboard.

everything, The most serious injury was Gael Blanco’s, He suffered severe blows to the face within the first few minutes of the accident.Although he would return to court later, Lefty was unconscious and was Transferred to Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital and admitted there for testing purposes.

The day didn’t start well for locals, who saw howo Pepe and Ruben have dropped out of the squad, the first due to myopericarditis which will keep him out for six months The second was due to gastroenteritis. The game was evenly matched from the beginning, with the two teams winning and losing, and the score gap was very small.and13-13 was the last draw Pablo Cacheda’s team extended the lead (25th minute, 14-17). Luceros became stubborn at this time, unable to defend Larin’s direct attack, and there was no freshness in the offense, and even wasted some advantages. At halftime, the score was 16-21.

same dynamics

This trend has not changed during the resumption of work. The visitors defended deeply and even Xavi Fernandez’s stoppage failed to activate their team, who accumulated childish mistakes in passing (21-26, 45th minute).Lalin, very comfortable and always find room to connect or throw with the pivotr, and stretched the rubber (25-37), ultimately winning in a way that was both fair and comfortable.

data sheet:

Auto-Fanatical Luceros: 30

Xavi Fernandez and Mateo; Barreiro (3), Alexander Martín (2), Bernardes (1), Rodriguez (5), Denis (1), Pablo Fernandez, Rodrigo, Gayle (3), Perez (3), Menduina (2), Juan (4)), Roberto (2) and Posa (4).

Desiclin Larin: 39

Villarreal (2), Ramon (6), Crespo (1), Martin (4). Miguel Garcia (1), Bruno (1), Duarte (6), Pablo, Miguel Lopez (1), Roman (7), Habil, Iago, Tomir ( 4), Feraldas (5), Victor and Bresso (1).

Mark every five minutes: 3-4; 7-6; 10-9; 13-14; 14-17; 16-21 (rest); 18-22; 21-24; 22-26; 24-31; 25-36; and 30- 39. referee: Gonzalo Santamaria and José Carlos Soto (Cantabria). They excluded locals Juan and Posa, as well as tourists Crespo, Adrian and Miguel Lopez (2).

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