Gastroenteritis and influenza have been found in CDE victim shelters. – last minute

Edgar Medina


Gastroenteritis and respiratory illnesses are the most common illnesses encountered when assisting people affected by floods. In Ciudad del Este’s eight shelters, staff dressed in white provided medical assistance to victims.

Dr. Federico Schroeder, director of the regional hospital, said shelters are often home to illnesses such as gastroenteritis and respiratory illnesses, possibly because of unsanitary conditions in the camps.

“Different entities are responsible for providing drinking water, but also for handling, cleaning and so on, and we know that their practices are unhygienic. Therefore, they promote these diseases. And also the climate that we are experiencing, the heavy rainfall these days and also yesterday Incoming cold front,” he said.

Health Region

“We have a lot of elderly people with diabetes, high blood pressure who are already bedridden. We know it’s hard for them to get out of here and go to the hospital.”

According to the latest data published on Itaipu’s official portal, between Ciudad del Este and President Franco, the number of families assisted by entities from both countries reached 1,000. In the shelters, in addition to the delivery of medicines in coordination with various state entities, popular jars are also produced for affected families.

The trend is downward. According to data provided by real-time monitoring agencies, the water volume of the Iguazu and Paraná rivers will tend to decrease in the coming days.

Let us remember that heavy rains in the Iguazú Basin caused flows to increase to more than 24 million liters per second, causing natural dams to form at the mouth of the Paraná River bed and subsequent flooding. River residents in Ciudad Oriente and President Franco demanded the return of the river. Then Itaipu opened the floodgates, as did the Akare power plant. Until yesterday, the water level of the Paraná River remained between 117 and 118 meters above sea level and, according to forecasts, is showing a downward trend. It is worth mentioning that from level 108, water begins to affect the first houses and infrastructure.

Passenger numbers increase during crisis

The city council decided last week to increase fares on the city’s public transport services amid a flooding crisis for the Ciudad del Este community. The prescribed increase is 1,000 G., one of the largest increases in the past 15 years. Following the changes, ticket prices have risen to £5,000. Citizens reject the decisions of the majority ruling party. WF

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