Coffee may be harmful to five groups of people and should be avoided

There is more or less a consensus in the medical community: Moderate consumption Caffeine content ranges from 100 to 300 mg, equivalent to up to three cups per day, with a maximum daily intake of 400 mg. Over the years, there have been numerous studies and other less scientific hypotheses that tell us that we can take advantage of all the benefits when we drink so much coffee. positive influenceas an antioxidant, can fight aging, prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease, stimulate psychoactivity, promote improved memory, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cause bronchodilation, improve asthma symptoms, reduce liver inflammation, accelerate metabolism and fat burning, Improve blood circulation and skin elasticity, etc.

However, exceeding these doses considered prudent (especially if we overdo it) may cause serious health problems such as sleep disorders, ADHD, headaches, or Arrhythmia. But be careful, overconsumption isn’t the only no-no for healthy coffee drinking.Some groups of people should limit their consumption of coffee and other stimulating beverages because their intake may cause harmful side effects For your health.

1. People suffering from anxiety disorders

Caffeine can have significant effects on those who are already dealing with it anxiety. Due to its stimulant nature, caffeine can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, leading to more severe attacks and increasing risk for these individuals. Therefore, it is important for people who already suffer from anxiety to consider regulating their own anxiety. caffeine intake Or, in some cases, avoid it entirely.

2.Pregnant women

Although research on the impact of consumption caffeine during pregnancy This remains an evolving and evolving issue, and most health authorities and medical professionals recommend limiting caffeine intake during this period. Consuming high amounts of caffeine may increase your risk of complications during pregnancy. These complications may include, but are not limited to, conditions such as prematurity and low birth weight, both of which may have long-term effects on the fetus. child health and development.

3. People with insomnia problems

Caffeine is known to hinder sleep, so people who have trouble sleeping fall asleep Be careful when drinking coffee overnight all day, but especially in the afternoon and evening. This can be an inconvenience because people with insomnia believe they need coffee and other stimulating beverages most to function properly.However, they can be very It will be counterproductive in the long run.

4. People with gastrointestinal problems

Coffee can be very stimulating gastrointestinal system. It can cause a host of problems for people who already suffer from gastritis, acid reflux, or peptic ulcers, among other gastrointestinal conditions.People with these conditions may notice an increase in their discomfort after drinking coffee, and your symptoms worsen. Therefore, it is recommended that you consider avoiding or reducing your coffee intake to prevent symptoms from worsening.

5. People who are sensitive to caffeine

Previously we said that the amount of coffee consumed should not exceed 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, but this amount must be adjusted based on each person’s personal response to caffeine.Because it is determined by variables such as gender, age or weight, but also depends on genetic factors Affects the metabolic capacity and sensitivity of the liver nervous system core of its influence. People with high sensitivities may experience stimulant effects from small amounts of caffeine. This is why even when taking medication, they experience side effects such as nervousness, insomnia, and headaches. Appropriate amount caffeine. For them, avoiding coffee is often the best option.

In conclusion, while coffee has many health benefits, it is crucial to know our limits and be aware of them. Adjust consumption Coffee tailored to our individual needs and conditions.If you have any specific concerns about how coffee may affect your health or well-being, it is recommended that you consult a professional health professionals. They can provide you with personalized guidance based on your medical history and current health needs.

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