How malaria spreads in Mexico | Mexico News

This Monday, November 6, in memory of malaria day of the americas, For those who don’t know about this disease, it is one of the causes of 80% of child deaths in Africa, thus causing global alarm to fully prevent this disease.

Malaria is a disease tTransmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes Fortunately, it does not spread from person to person, but if left untreated or mixed with other infections, it represents a fatal risk.

Generally this disease is preventable and curable When patients go to the doctor early, there are also cases where the diagnosis is late and nothing can be done for the infected person.

Those most vulnerable to infection are children, pregnant women, travelers and people living with HIV, highlighting the importance of identifying the virus and taking steps to prevent it.

What are the symptoms of malaria?

  • Tiredness and extreme fatigue
  • Deterioration of state of consciousness
  • epileptic seizure
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dark or bloody urine
  • Yellowing of eyes and skin
  • Abnormal bleeding.

Usually when a person has malaria Its symptoms are the same as those of a common cold, Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate and to see a specialist to rule out any other more serious conditions.

Malaria has the same symptoms as the common cold.

Is there malaria in Mexico?

Overall, malaria cases in Mexico fell by 91.0% in the 2000s, as explained by the Pan American Health Organization and specifically the Ministry of Health’s National Prevention Program and Center for Disease Control (Cenaprece). In 2021, it fell by 69.8%.

This means that the number of infectious diseases decreases significantly year by year, but it does not mean that there are no more malaria patients in Mexico, so it always Even if you don’t have any symptoms, it’s important to take care of your health.

How to prevent malaria?

Preventive measures are the same as with Zika or Chikungunya: do not accumulate household items in the yard or inside the house, use mosquito nets on the windows of the house, use insect repellent and fumigate the house.

If you notice any symptoms that may indicate contagiono, it is important to see a doctor immediately receive treatment. Keep in mind that this disease can also be spread through blood transfusions or even infected needles.

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