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Latest news on Pope Francis’ healthPixar

Pope Francis I’s health currently a mystery. For some reasons, the Pope has been taken by ambulance to the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. heart and respiratory problems He suffered last March.


The Holy See remained silent and all we know is a brief statement from Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni: “The Pope has been in Gemini since this afternoon for some inspections Previously arranged”. The hospital assured Italian media ‘The situation is not alarming’.

Pope Francis passes by Gemelli Hospital

The General Hospital of Gemelli in Rome is the medical center most frequently visited by the Pope

this Pope’s health raises some concerns At the end of March, he was admitted urgently with infectious bronchitis and spent three days in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital. On May 26, he suspended his trip again due to fatigue and fever.

The most famous case concerning Bergoglio’s health is diverticulitis He suffered this pain in July 2021 and underwent surgery in Gemelli, the center where the pope has usually gone for many years. 33 cm of intestine was removed. There is speculation that this may have something to do with this or his emotional issues. kneebut now everything points to respiratory and heart problems.

intestinal obstruction

Pope Francis will undergo surgery on Wednesday intestinal obstructionAccording to Italian media reports.The operation was also confirmed by the Vatican and is considered urgent This is a follow-up to a previous intervention in 2021 to remove part of the colon, Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano and ANSA news agency reported.

The information was released by the pope without prior notice medical visit At the Gemelli Hospital in Rome.Francisco has been admitted to the hospital and will remain there few days after surgery.

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