Sinaloa will start selling COVID-19 vaccine when federal authorization comes: SSS

Bernardo Hurtado

Culiacán, Sinaloa – With COFEPRISS opening the sale of the coronavirus vaccine to the market, it will be ready to be used in Sinaloa, as in the rest of the country, when the Commission authorizes it at the federal level, the Director of Prevention and Promotion reports. Hello, Dr. Gerardo Kenny Inzunza Leyva, Viva La Noticia.

Although a sales implementation date has not yet been set, pharmaceutical companies are reportedly requesting authorization nationwide, with four requesting.

“Two of them are from Moderna, one is from AstraZeneca and one is from Pfizer, and they are the pharmaceutical companies that requested this application to be marketed.”

By approving these requests, the federal government commented that this would apply to the entire country and that higher numbers of vaccinations would likely bring benefits.

“The Ministry of Health is vaccinating the BioAbdallah vaccine and if more people want to be vaccinated, more people will be vaccinated, which will benefit us all even more.”

Regarding the federal campaign, he reported that vaccination is free and available to everyone from the age of 5. So far, Sinaloa has administered 37,655 doses of COVID-19 vaccine and 159,907 doses of influenza vaccine.

Inzunza Leyva concluded by inviting the public, especially the elderly and children, to use the Abdullah vaccine booster. Additionally, those with diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity are well-served to manage their disease and receive vaccinations, which are available at all health centers across the state.

Therefore, we must think that in addition to the new coronavirus, there are other respiratory diseases such as influenza, as well as respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, common cold virus and other viruses. Facing the coming cold wave, everyone must take care of themselves.

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