Another undercut!Keville announced the reason

A new landslide could affect one of the country’s main roads as a section of it is about to collapse.

The collapse occurred at kilometer 26.5 of the highway to El Salvador, near a farm, threatening the lane leading to Santa Rosa.

According to the Road Protection Executive Group (Covial), the collapse at the site was caused by the erosion of longitudinal ditch drainage within private property, which is why the agency marked and demarcated the area after detecting the critical point.

He also mentioned that they conducted assessments and identified constructive solutions to protect the affected areas, so preventive work will begin this week.

Found the problem 6 years ago

Antonio Mendez, who is in charge of the site, said the problem had arisen several years ago.

“Six years of overflow, it’s gotten to the point where it’s as big as it is today, (…) we have to put some effort into it because it’s going to flow out into the street, so it’s going to be difficult to fix,” he said.

Mendez noted that everything could be caused by collapsed storm drains. Additionally, he explained that some of the crops in that location were starting to be taken away.

The new landslide is about 17 meters deep and 12 meters in diameter. Likewise, those responsible for land management say everything makes noise during the rainy season and when water levels increase.

Faced with this situation, residents of the community have asked the authorities to solve the problem as soon as possible before it is too late.

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