Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We regret Russia’s decision to withdraw from conventional forces in Europe

The written statement issued by the ministry stated that after Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty entered into force on November 7, implementation of the agreement by other states parties had become “impossible,” and added: “We regret the decision to withdraw from the Treaty.” . Withdraws.” The expression was used.

The statement said that under these circumstances, Turkey suspended the implementation of the agreement with its NATO allies and other member states of conventional forces in Europe for a period of time, and noted that the suspension decision was “fundamentally reversible.”

The following was noted in the statement:

“The need for the fundamental foundations and principles of a legally binding Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty, which provides balance, transparency and predictability between military forces with their sub-regional system, including the wing system, and numerical limitations, continues. Modernization that may be needed To him, he added: “The European security architecture in the coming period can only be built on these foundations.” In this regard, we will continue our communications on this issue with all parties concerned. “In the exceptional period we are going through, we are returning to the full implementation of the arms issue.” Control, disarmament and non-proliferation regulations are more important than ever for international security.

(Tags for translation) Russia

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