The 7 Most Common Causes and When You Should See a Doctor

Stomach pain is a discomfort that we feel more than once in our lives.Some causes may be so minor that the pain subsides on its own, but in other cases, they may be More serious causes such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, or infection.

Gastroenterology experts note that depending on the location of stomach pain, the possible cause can be determined.and based on Type of pain: intermittent, chronic or mild It will help you make a quick decision to see your doctor.

There are organs on the left side of the abdomen, such as Kidney, stomach, descending colon, part of pancreas, liver lobe, the upper left part of the large intestine, the diaphragm, the lower left ribs, and the adrenal glands. In women, the left ovary is also found. Therefore, pain in this area of ​​the abdomen can have multiple causes.

“The sources of pain can be varied, so you have to pay attention to its characteristics, such as the type of pain, frequency, intensity, how it occurs, because it can also be due to a blow or injury,” internist Eduardo Orr Thies said.

What causes left abdominal pain?

Left sided abdominal pain can be caused by simple causes, such as excess gas or indigestion; as well as more serious conditions that require some medical intervention.


Indigestion after eating, maybe because we don’t like a certain food, because of the seasoning, because we eat it too quickly or too late. There are many reasons. This can cause bloating, gas, heartburn, and nausea. Sometimes the pain is in the upper part, but sometimes it’s on the left side,” says gastroenterologist Arturo Castillo.

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Intestinal obstruction

In some cases, when The intestines become blocked and the stomach becomes swollen and causes pain, Usually the entire abdomen, but some describe it as being on the left side of the abdomen. This discomfort manifests itself as vomiting, fever, difficulty with bowel movements, and general fatigue.

“It’s important to pay attention to this because if not paid attention to in time, it can Causing intestinal perforation and peritonitis,” the professional added.

kidney stones

Kidney stones are small stones or deposits made of salt and minerals that form in the kidneys.These They can cause discomfort until they pass through the kidneys or into one of the ureters.

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Symptoms vary and include severe pain in the sides, back, and under the ribs; pain in the lower abdomen and groin, and urine that is brown or red and has an unpleasant odor.

Left abdominal pain - kidney stones
People with kidney stones may also experience pain in their backs. (Free press photo: Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash).


Diverticula are small pouches that form in the lining of the digestive system and are found in the colon. When one of these bags becomes inflamed, it can cause severe abdominal pain.fever, nausea, changes in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea.

Diverticulitis occurs when a diverticula tears, causing inflammation and, in some cases, infection.


Although the appendix is ​​located on the right side of the abdomen, When it becomes inflamed, it can cause severe pain throughout the abdomen.

“Severe pain in the upper stomach is the most common symptom. Because the pain occurs in different locations, it can easily be confused with a stomach infection or even gallbladder pain. Therefore, when you experience such intense discomfort, it is best to see a doctor to avoid contracting the disease. Peritonitis,” said the physician.

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Other symptoms of appendicitis are Nausea and vomiting. After a few hours, the nausea subsides and the pain usually moves to the lower right part of the abdomen. Although they are the most common symptoms, only 50% of patients experience them.


The pancreas is located behind the stomach and in the upper part of the abdomen. When inflamed it causes severe pain, It can appear abruptly, appearing suddenly and then disappearing.

In addition to pain on your left side, you may also experience abdominal pain that radiates to your back, tenderness when your abdomen is touched, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

When there is an ovarian cyst (in this case, on the left side), pain occurs in this area of ​​the abdomen. It usually occurs during menstruation. Other symptoms include irregular periods, nausea, fatigue and dysmenorrhea.

How to know if abdominal pain is cause for concern

Importantly, people who suffer from left-sided abdominal pain and other symptoms, e.g. Fever, severe abnormal tenderness when the area is touched, abdominal swelling, bloody stools, nausea, and vomitingsudden weight loss and yellowing of the skin, you should seek help as soon as possible and contact your doctor.

Likewise, if you are Pregnant or suffering from any medical condition, Just like with cancer, it’s important to contact a specialist.

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