Xô, Flu: What are the most common preventive measures people take? | Christina De

Christina — Photo: Divulgação

We believe that based on a study conducted by Hypera Nations, 4 out of 10 adults had the flu last season. During the same period, 2/3 of the teviram had less influenza filho – the incidence of influenza is higher in newer filho. Most of the respondents took preventive measures such as strengthening their diet, eating more vegetables, and drinking more water.

Do you know the most common measures to prevent the flu?

1 – Pay special attention to hygiene

Disinfect yourself with water and sabonete/sabão before washing your hands, coughing, exhaling or using the toilet.

2 – Ter alcool em gel a mão

Because we are always aware of toiletries, light alcohol or gel alcohol in bags or clothing bags. This name is used when you want to lift up your face, such as your mouth, eyes, and nose.

3 – Only care and think about other things

If you have flu symptoms, stay home or start to feel like you are not working or out on the streets, and use your breaks to cough and breathe. This way you can avoid spreading it to others.

4 – Don’t share objects

Items for personal use such as bottles, flakes, plates, talches are not allowed to be shared.

5 – Maintain a well-ventilated environment

If you’re in an old space, open doors and prioritize natural ventilation.

6 – Avoid crowds and outdated environments

Especially during the transmission season, avoid going to crowded places. Give priority to open spaces, especially places for recreation and entertainment.

7 – Develop healthy habits

A balanced diet, rich in legumes and vegetables, and fluid intake are essential to boost immunity.

These precautions don’t work, or relieve flu symptoms with Coristin D, which works quickly, starting within 15 minutes, on stuffy nose, rhinitis, fever, headache and muscle aches.

8 – Get vaccinated every year

Attend a flu vaccination event. Immunobiology protects against influenza virus subtypes that have become prevalent in the Southern Hemisphere in recent years.

For enhanced decongestant benefits for rhinitis and sinusitis, use Corisitina D Congest!

Christina D. PRO. Acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, phenylephrine hydrochloride. Indications: Treats flu and cold symptoms and is designed to relieve nasal congestion, congestion, fever, headache and muscle pain during flu conditions. MS 1.7817.0919. Reference: Coristin D PRO Drug Announcement. Symptoms may persist, otherwise a doctor should be consulted. September 2023.

Christina D Congestion. Brompheniramine maleate and phenylephrine hydrochloride. MS 1.7817.0945. Indications: Formulated with a fast-acting nasal decongestant and anti-allergic agent to control and relieve symptoms associated with flu, colds, rhinitis and sinusitis, and reduce excess secretions. Symptoms may persist, otherwise a doctor should be consulted.September

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