Better home WiFi: Take advantage of these foolproof tips

Enjoying a quality internet connection is essential for communicating, working, and getting the most out of streaming services like Netflix, HBO, Disney, Spotify, and more. However, sometimes devices in your home may experience signal issues when they are far away from your modem or router.Fortunately, there are some simple tips that can help Improve Wi-Fi signal quality.

Lack of signal reception for certain devices in your home is a common problem, but it can be solved with some effective tips:

Change the device’s connection band

The choice of frequency band to which the device connects is crucial. The 2.4GHz band has a maximum distance of up to 46 meters, while the 5GHz band has a range of 15 meters. However, for simplicity, the average range of a Wi-Fi wireless network is considered to be approximately 25 meters.. Obstacles and router location can also affect the quality, coverage, and speed of your Internet connection, affecting the experience on devices such as computers, monitors, tablets, and phones.

Use a Wi-Fi repeater

A wireless network repeater It’s a great option for amplifying the signal and extending coverage to more areas of your home. To maximize its effectiveness, be sure to follow proper placement instructions.

Strategically position your router

The location of your router is crucial to ensuring a strong signal. It is crucial to place the repeater at a moderate distance from the router. If you’re too far away, the signal may weaken, resulting in a slow or intermittent connection. However, placing them too close can also cause problems. Avoid placing it near thick walls, metal objects, or sources of interference. Ideally, place it somewhere high and clear, such as a piece of furniture, for efficient signal distribution.

Use a dual-band router

If you have a large number of devices connected to your network, you should consider a dual-band router. These devices transmit signals in the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz frequency bands. The 2.4 GHz band has longer range, but the 5.0 GHz band is faster. By distributing devices between these two bands, you can reduce network congestion and improve signal quality for each device.

Wi-Fi connection: Use tips and tricks to improve your signal.

Keep repeaters away from other devices

To avoid interference, it is recommended to install the repeater at a certain distance from other devices using the repeater. Bluetoothsuch as a television or other electrical appliance that may cause interference.

Tips to improve W-Fi connection in Windows

If the signal Wifi Inability to optimally reach your desktop or laptop can be due to a variety of factors, ranging from contracted bandwidth, the technical specifications of the device, the structure of your home, and where you place your router.

However, from the operating system Windows We can also make full use of our Wifi adapter to get the highest possible signal. This way, you can take full advantage of your wireless network adapter’s capabilities.

The first thing to remember is that this option is available on Windows computers with: adapter wireless network. Furthermore, not all adapters are compatible with this option, so you must know if it appears in the menu we will show below.

To do this you must press Windows and go to device manager. Once you get here, right-click on the wireless network adapter that you have installed on your PC and select the Properties option. Here I have selected the “Advanced Options” tab and in the menu you should look for an option called “Transmit Power”.

If you have this option, then this is good news because you can take advantage of this trick on your computer. If not, you’ll have to look for something else. choose Improve laptop WiFi signal.

You can try changing network type, configuration channel With less traffic congestion, it may be possible to change the location of the router or, finally, purchase a device to extend coverage, such as a router compatible with mesh networks, PLCs, or similar networks.

Make adjustments to improve Wifi connection on your PC.

Tweaks to improve your computer’s connectivity

Once you find this option communication effectiveness, you will find that it is the minimum value. This is because Windows marks this option by default to avoid congesting network traffic and causing interference with other devices. The purpose here is to enable the option of maximum value to improve signal quality.

This will help you avoid any drops that may occur in your connection or network. lack of stability About Wifi signal. However, it is not the only option we will configure in this menu.

In addition to transmit power, you must configure the throughput enhancer option, or Improve processing power, located in the same advanced options menu of our adapter. By enabling this option, we ensure that the computer has access to all possible network bandwidth, causing other devices to get less.

If you have problems Connection qualitythis option will help you get better performance on your network, albeit at the expense of bandwidth that other devices in your home may get, so only activate it if other devices don’t need as much bandwidth or in specific situations.

After configuring these two options, the quality of your Wi-Fi connection will most likely improve, but you should remember that your network adapter must be compatible with these options.if you have a team Windows 10 or 11this little trick can save you in situations where you are gaming online or consuming audiovisual transmissions on the Internet.

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