Advice from pasta “influencer” Mateo Zielonka

everyone knows he is pasta man and in addition to London restaurants Obviously, dedicated to spaghettihis activities on social networks make him a real influencer of this dish.After the initial surprise of seeing polishing Having settled in the UK for ten years and becoming a pasta expert, this book Pasta Master Class Arriving in Spain, editor five inksis the best proof Matteo Zironca He knew exactly what he was talking about.

chef self-taughtexplaining that his passion for pasta stems from The Sopranos.After hours of practicing at home, he successfully perfected different forms of fresh pasta and get Colorful plates Together with him he destroyed Instagram (@mateo.zielonka).Still, remember that social networks are great for inspiring ideas, but it’s better to get out there and use those ideas to chef And make friends.

What does this book offer?

Cover and inside photos of the book “Pasta Master Class” by Mateo Zielonka / Photos provided by Cinco Tintas

Zielonka explains how to prepare 30 types of pastastretch, fill and extrude, and collect more than 40 stuffing and sauce lets us know instrument What do we need to make pasta Mattarello until Chitara, To review what is food pantry Suitable for these preparations and how to cook them

Additionally, it explains step by step how to obtain each shapeTagliarini, mafaldine,conchiglie,orecchiette etc.—, Includes secrets to making you famous Color pastepolka dots and stripes.

Taking advantage of his time in our country to present the book, we asked him to give us some Tips that encourage us to prepare fresh and homemade pasta.

Mateo Zironca’s Tips

Pasta making workshop with Mateo Zielonka / Photo: Iker Morán


To make pasta, you just need flour, water and salt. Is there any flour I can use? Yes, but no.For best results and better texture it is recommended to use “Three Zero” flour. In addition, the dough has better antioxidant capacity and can be made up to 12 hours in advance.

Knead well

Just like bread, homemade pasta can have relaxing and therapeutic you better do this Not in a hurry and invest the necessary time in doing so. How many?With some practice you’ll eventually see when the dough has the right texture, but as a clue, some Knead for 10 minutes They give good results.In fact, Zielonka, remember this Less kneading is a mistake Most commonly when preparing fresh pasta at home.can you use one kitchen robot? Sure, but the texture and results won’t be as good, he points out.

Fresh pasta by Mateo Zielonka/Photo: Iker Morán

Hand or machine?

Get the dough ready, that’s a good idea Give it a rest before stretching And prepare the pasta. Half an hour is enough, but you can stay longer, no problem.In this case, yes, it’s better to leave it in sealed container By the way, it can also be frozen.

for Stretched Pasta you can turn to Manual roller or that classic machine Making pasta with a crank is something we’ve certainly given or been given as a gift, but probably never used. Well, it’s time to save her. Although Zielonka points out that the best results are obtained with a roller, it requires a lot of time and patience, so the famous machine is a good option.

Color paste

This book and the author’s Instagram account are one of those things that make you feel really hungry. In addition to the surprising shapes it achieves, colorful pasta They are also very appetizing.To achieve this and not lose color when cooking, it is recommended to use Dehydrated vegetables – Beets, carrots, etc. – should be add to flour During the preparation of the dough.

gluten free

can you make pasta gluten free at home? Well, of course.You just need to use another type flour. He explains that buckwheat doesn’t work well at all, both in texture and flavor, so it’s better to use other types of dough.For example, the brand Chickpea flour (70%) and rice flour (30%) It works very well.

“very chewy”

Time is up cooking.And, so as not to make Italians angry, the bottom line is that pasta is so delicious that you have to cook it chewyso that Maintain texture and bite. But of course, here we don’t have a time reference like we do with the pasta we buy.

Furthermore, it is not easy because Fresh pasta is made quickly.some for reference cook for two minutes It would be enough if they were just finished. If we let the pasta sit for an hour, we have to cook it for another minute. As always, it’s best to get close to the casserole and taste it to know when it’s ready.

Also eat pasta for breakfast

After making pasta for so many years, does the author have a favorite?Quote blink and dumpling,And noted bell tower As the most complex production. It’s best to save them for when you actually have time, he suggests.

However, surprisingly, in the obvious Unlimited shapes and combinations with sauces, There are even some options breakfast.This is no joke, Zielonka is guaranteed to have money Prepare with coffee powder this is very suitable cheese. Doesn’t sound bad at all, really.

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