Gastrointestinal illness outbreak kills three children in Swabi

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Swabi is grappling with a widespread outbreak of gastroenteritis, which has seen a surge in patients in area hospitals. The number of people affected so far is in the hundreds, painting a harrowing picture of the severity of the situation.

Dr Shahid, Medical Superintendent of DHQ Hospital, reported the tragic loss of three children due to a gastroenteritis outbreak, underscoring the seriousness of the situation. Since November 1, dozens of children and older adults have been affected by gastrointestinal (diarrhea) outbreaks, posing a major public health challenge. The situation was not yet under control at that time.

Dr. Shahid stressed that the number of gastric disease patients is increasing, with 4 to 6 patients being admitted to the hospital every 15 minutes, which is an alarming figure. The main reason for the spread of this stomach bug is drinking contaminated water. A stark reminder that water sanitation is critical to preventing such outbreaks.

Medical authorities acted quickly to declare a medical emergency for gastric patients at the Division Headquarters Hospital, recognizing the urgency of providing immediate and intensive medical care to those affected. This emergency measure aims to streamline resources, increase medical capacity and accelerate response measures to contain the gastrointestinal disease epidemic in Swabi.

As the region responds to this health crisis, there is an urgent need for collaborative collaboration between health authorities, local communities and relevant stakeholders to address the root causes of the outbreak, implement preventive measures and ensure rapid medical intervention to safeguard the people. well-being. population.

The author is a student of Mass Communication Department, Gulberg Government College, Lahore. She can be contacted at (email protected)

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