Netanyahu’s reaction to Macron: “He made a grave moral mistake” – World News at the last minute

Netanyahu said that he is against the idea of ​​the Palestinian Authority ruling Gaza after Hamas.
Jerusalem (AA) –

Netanyahu spoke at a joint press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Galant.

In his statement regarding the ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under a comprehensive siege since October 7, the Israeli Prime Minister said: “We will defeat Hamas and return our prisoners.” “We will not stop until the job is done,” he said.

Noting that the Israeli army “will remain in Gaza as long as necessary” to prevent Hamas attacks, Netanyahu said: “I will not agree to give up security control of the Gaza Strip.”

Netanyahu: The Israeli army has completed the siege of Gaza City. They now work in the heart of the city. They are around Al-Shifa Hospital.” He said.

In his speech before the leaders of Arab countries, Netanyahu called on them to “stand up to Hamas,” and said, “Hamas is an integral part of the axis of terrorism led by Iran, and this axis of evil and terrorism puts the world, as well as the entire Arab world, in danger.” “I think the leaders of many Arab countries understand this.” He made his assessment.

– Netanyahu is against the presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza

On the other hand, Netanyahu stressed that he is against the idea of ​​handing over the administration of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, after Hamas.

Netanyahu accused Abbas of “not condemning” Hamas’s attacks on Israel on October 7. He pointed to Abbas and said: “There cannot be an authority there (Gaza) whose leader still does not condemn the terrible massacre that occurred even after more than 30 years.” Days.” He said.

Emphasizing their desire for Israel’s full security control over Gaza, the Israeli Prime Minister said that establishing Jewish settlements there again as before “is not a realistic goal” and that they do not support it.

“Macron made a grave moral mistake.”

The Israeli Prime Minister also responded to French President Emmanuel Macron’s words that “civilians were killed in the attacks on Gaza and Israel must stop its attacks.”

“He made a grave mistake, both literally and morally,” Netanyahu said of Macron. He said.

(Marks for translation) Netanyahu

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