I have a stuffy nose and other symptoms, but I tested negative for the flu and COVID-19: What can I eat?

We are in the middle of a cooling period and the number of viral respiratory infections is increasing. There are also many people with congestion and other symptoms who have tested negative for the flu and coronavirus. The question then becomes: What can they have? Let us explain it to you below.

Suddenly one day we woke up Congestion, cough, and weakness. All of these symptoms were common to both the flu and COVID-19, so we went ahead and got physicals and tests, but both came back negative.

We are assailed by doubts that something is causing these discomforts in our bodies, but we don’t know what. Then, several options will appear. First, we are facing the seasonal allergy process.

Once you rule out any possibility of seasonal allergies, the most normal thing that happens is that we find ourselves facing the common cold.

Unlike COVID-19, the cause of seasonal allergies is not viral.this seasonal allergies They are immune system reactions triggered by exposure to allergens, such as seasonal tree or grass pollen. Fever or muscle aches can almost immediately rule out whether we’re facing an allergy attack, as can nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Additionally, it rarely affects our throats or causes headaches.

Then the most likely choice we face is the common cold. If you only have a stuffy nose but the rest of your body is functioning normally and you don’t have weakness or fatigue, We will face cold. Even the famous loss of smell (scientists are still studying it, and some people never recover) can provide clues, as it can occur in all of these diseases, but with different sensations.

Influenza and coronavirus may occur at the same time

Just as in this case we tested negative for both the flu and COVID-19, it could also be the other way around and we were infected by both viruses, since both viruses could be present at the same time. If you have congestion, sore throat, and muscle discomfort but no other respiratory symptoms (such as choking or shortness of breath), you most likely have the flu.Between COVID-19 and the flu, in terms of loss of smell and type of flu Cough, COVID-19 patients usually have a dry cough.

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