Paula Echevarría and her cellulite skin treatment

Although we look for perfect skin, is an ideal that few women are lucky enough to be born into. Fortunately, cosmetics and aesthetic medicine are increasingly giving us better solutions to bring us closer to platonic skin, correcting problems like stretch marks, cellulite, varicose and spider veins, and even improving inflammation, among other things Diseases that damage our health.

Inevitably, skin defines our appearance and we take it very seriously because it is the image we provide of ourselves. Therefore, those who work in the spotlight realize that in order to empower themselves, they need to resort to advancement to get closer to the idea of ​​perfect skin.that’s what he did Paola Echevarria Prevents cellulite, a condition that occurs in most women after puberty.

this Tangerine skin It is characterized by a wrinkled texture in areas where subcutaneous fat usually accumulates, and since it provides a less aesthetically pleasing appearance, many women look for a way to alleviate it by eating a healthy and balanced diet, engaging in exercise, and drinking the recommended daily amount of water. Methods. However, this may not be enough and they resort to beauty treatments to combat or prevent it, as the Spanish actress did.

Differentiating Orange Skin from Cellulite

Although it’s difficult for us to tell them apart, orange peel and cellulite are not the same.this cellulitis It is an infection and accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin tissue that manifests itself in the form of nodules. It is not associated with a person being obese or overweight, but it does occur frequently in these conditions and can be caused by genetic and hormonal factors, circulatory problems, poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

on the contrary, Tangerine skin It affects the appearance of the skin, although the cause is very similar to cellulite.this Saccharification This is the process behind cellulite skin and occurs because glucose sticks to the collagen fibers of the skin tissue. The result is that these fibers become brittle and damaged, causing the skin to have a rough appearance.

Glycation weakens and breaks down the collagen fibers in the skin.

In short, we can say that cellulite skin is the result of cellulite, although they are not always related.

orange skin care

Paola Echevarria Trusted Technology bella shape Fights the appearance of cellulite. It is a device that combines radiofrequency, infrared and vacuum therapy to work on contours and reduce this aesthetic skin problem. Additionally, it stimulates the natural production of collagen fibers in the body, thereby strengthening tissues and preventing their destruction due to the phenomenon of glycation. This is a reduction, reshaping, non-invasive, painless procedure that heats the head area to eliminate fat deposits and increase collagen deposition.

In addition to improving sagging skin, this treatment can also achieve reduce body size, making it an all-around product that allows you to fight cellulite and cellulite in the same treatment. While results can be seen from the first session, it is recommended to use it 6 to 8 times a week to achieve the desired results and almost completely resolve both problems. Of course, over time, maintenance meetings will be required.

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