Roma Unplugged Festival is back in Appia Antica Park

Rome – It feels like magic that the Rome Unplugged Festival door inside Appia Antica Archaeological Park. Three days, from June 30 to July 2, with music in the morning and evening, with guided visits from the Lecturio Magistralis and the Villa dei Quintili to the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.

Achinoam Nini - Noa

Achinom Nini, ‘Noah’ to the world, The review will begin in the quartet with a journey between the past and the present, up to the unforgettable, hit, before the latest album. with him, Villa dei Quintili (9 p.m.), in a landscape featuring exceptional guitarist Gil Doré, Daniel Doré on drums and Omri Abramov on saxophone and EWI (electronic wind instrument).
Saturday July 1, at the tomb of Cecilia MetellaAt the time of sunset (at 7.30 pm), a person comes to life Lesson-concert of San Salvador in collaboration with Italia Nostra. in the Villa dei Quintili instead, at 21, will be the guest of the festival With Simone Cristicchi and Amara ‘We’ll Be Back Again’ – Mystery concert for Battiato. Both become bearers of the spiritual messages that have immortalized their work: from the universal prayer ‘Shadow of Light’ to ‘The Cure’, from ‘And I’ll Come Looking for You’ to ‘We Will’ and back again Come’, their last piece recorded (and not coincidentally the title chosen for the concert). on stage with them Soloists of the Nanois Academy of Pordenone: Lucia Clonferro (violin), Igor Dario (viola), Alan Dario (cello), UT Gandhi (percussion), Franca Drioli (soprano).

Cristicchi and Amara
Simone Cristichi and Amara © Edoardo Scrimin

Sunday July 2, shortly after dawn, at 7 a.m., the San Salvador concert takes place at the Villa dei Quintili. The collective of six voices, twelve hands and one drummer stakes everything on the encounter between rhythm and vocal polyphony, which is the starting point for giving life to their art. The six constituents of San Salvador represent An important new folk scene from deep France, managing to transform the local repertoire into a magnetic, pulsating and relentless polyphonic experiment. in the afternoon, At 18.00, Mogol is the protagonist of Lectio Magistralis ‘The Path of the POP’. Famous writers and producers, even listening to some of the songs, will tell the evolution of the interpretation, from the novel to the present day, from Claudio Villa to Ed Sheeran.
Roma Unplugged Festival 21 closes with poems by American Ralph Towner, an incomparable master of the guitar. Which will provide excellent sonic nuances with the skills of Javier Giroto’s Ares Tango.
There is a special and reduced ticket price (12 euros for Villa dei Quintili and 10 euros for the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella) which includes not only attending concerts, but also visiting the archaeological sites of Via Appia Antica.
The festival is held: by the Appia Antica Archaeological Park (Ministry of Culture) with the Periferiacapitale program in collaboration with ETICAARTE, Rete Doc, Nazionale Cantanti and Fondazione Sharlemagne, Ministry of Culture, Lazio Region, Municipality of Rome, with the protection of the Appia Regional Park Antica, Roma With the artistic direction of Gian Luca Pecchini in collaboration with the Municipalities VII of the Capital, the Municipalities VIII of the Roma Capitale, Italia Nostra, and Marco De Persio and Annalisa Cipriani.

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