The weird things football players do to extend their careers

The growth of football off the field in recent years has done wonders for players to continue their careers on the field.

Chelsea legend Eden Hazard shocked fans when he announced his retirement at the age of 32, with many of his peers hoping to continue into their forties.

Cristiano Ronaldo introduced his eating habits to several teammatesPhoto Credit: Instagram/Cristiano Ronaldo

The increased investment in sports science and nutrition by elite clubs has naturally improved the health and recovery of stars, who no longer smoke and drink.

In short, a long-term top-level career often depends on a clean diet and a rigorous training regime.

However, some stars are breaking the mold and doing something unique to keep their careers going…

cristiano ronaldo

The 38-year-old’s fitness is legendary and explains his incredible longevity in the game.

But Ronaldo controls more than just his strict diet – his secret weapon is that he sleeps in the fetal position five times a day.

Sleep guru Nick Littlehals has revealed his habits after working with the five-time Ballon d’Or winner during his time at Real Madrid.

Ronaldo prefers 90-minute naps throughout the day to 8 hours straight without interruption.

Littlehairs told The Independent: “Anyone who has ever worked with Ronaldo knows that if you were having a discussion in the corner of the room, he would come over and ask you what you were talking about.

“When Carlo Ancelotti became manager (in 2013) I was invited to Real Madrid. I was standing on the edge of the training ground talking to the Madrid staff when Ronaldo came running over.

“He had been training all day and you would have expected him to go straight to the dressing room and take a shower, but he asked what we were talking about.

“He was interested in what I wanted to do because he always invested in himself as an athlete.

“From what I know from working with him, Ronaldo is not interested in fad diets, he is not interested in imitating other people. His only concern is: will this work for him?”

Ronaldo keeps himself in incredible shapeImage source: Getty

Miura Kazuyoshi

The world’s oldest football player still maintains strong physical strength at the age of 56, which may have something to do with his aggressive fitness regimen.

The Oliveira striker, who is on loan from J1 League club Yokohama FC, drank carbonated water specially imported from Italy.

Miura also wakes up at 5 a.m., eats breakfast prepared by his own personal nutritionist, and checks his body fat daily.

According to the New York Times, if King Kazu’s iron levels get too low, he can simply find a restaurant and eat liver.

Tomohiro Miura is considered the oldest goalscorer in footballImage source: Getty

Andros Townsend

The former England international is hell-bent on extending his career after returning from football for two years.

A month after signing a short-term contract with Luton Town, Townsend attributes his resurgence to chicken feet.

The 32-year-old also often tapes his mouth shut to improve his breathing, something Erling Haaland has also done.

Townsend told BBC Radio 5’s Monday Night Club interview live: “I only have a three-month contract. Luton need to get me on straight away and I need to make sure I’m fit and healthy. That’s the best One of the natural sources.” Collagen is chicken feet, very simple.

“It tastes exactly like chicken wings. It’s very low in meat and has a lot of cartilage near the bone. It has skin around it. It’s pretty good. It’s commonly eaten in China, South Africa and Portugal.”

“Bake it in the steam oven for 20 minutes and then swallow it. Tape your mouth shut and I’m doing it. All I know is that I’m 32 years old, I’ve been out of competition for two years and I feel absolutely fantastic” .

Townsend’s new routine sees him return to Premier LeagueImage source: Getty

Ashley Young

The Everton defender is the second-oldest player in the Premier League behind Thiago Silva and was described by Antonio Conte as “a machine” when they worked together at Inter Milan.

But the 38-year-old doesn’t just take ice baths to stay in tip-top shape, he also allows himself to indulge in sweets and chocolate.

In April 2023, he told The Sun: “People say a lot about diet and what they eat and drink.

“But I won’t delete everything. I have a sweet tooth – I blame my dad for that – and my cupboards are full of sweets, chocolates and biscuits.

“I’d like to say I only eat them after games, but . . . ”

Young has been playing for the Toffees this seasonImage source: Getty

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