ISP Pension Fund: harmonization of financial sectors


As already informed vide circular no. 1/2023 of 20 April, published on the website, with the aim of making the offer more in line with the pension needs of the members, a project was launched to harmonize the financial segments, also in relation to Intesa Sanpaolo Collective transfer process of the funds of the former UBI group to the Pension Fund.

ISP Pension Fund: harmonization of financial sectorsThis provision is made for associates whose capital is allocated in The financial sector is subject to reconciliationThe merger in other sectors,

They are listed in the diagram opposite All regions are open to new members (with an indication of the new denomination, adopted in accordance with the investment strategy and in accordance with the provisions of COVIP), as well as Confluence of sectors subject to rationalization.

As such Confluence Will happen self driveIt is not necessary to carry out any fulfillment by the members with effective 1 July 2023 And Share price as on 30 June 2023,

WHO On the other hand, allocating its capital to areas subject to reconciliation, Want to change the compartment with respect to the automatically provided compartment To choose another area more suited to their Social Security needs, they must instead apply for a “switchOn a separate section by accessing your reserved area on the Pension Fund website, By 20 June 2023,

Keeping in view the rationalization phase of the financial sectors mentioned above, Possibility have to choose a potentially different allocation of their own resources offer for all customers (regardless of which sector they currently belong to), even if 12 months have not yet passed since the last “switchOr by subscription.

All information relating to the harmonization of sectors and their characteristics, and all signals, including those of an operational nature, necessary to activate any “switchPublished in circular Downloadable at the above link:, in which reference to obtain further information and contacts are included.

It should also be remembered that our FISAC CGIL trade unions in the region are always available for information and clarification.

June 13, 2023

FISAC CGIL Secretariat of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group

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