Everything about soft diet: types, foods, menus, tips…

this Light diet This is a diet recommended in cases of digestive problems such as gastroenteritis. Does not irritate the stomach or intestines and provides the nutrients needed for recovery. but, What should you know about soft foods? What can and cannot be eaten??We explain everything you need to know, such as types of soft serve, allowed and prohibited foods, some menus and What is the right thing to do?.

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What is soft food?

A soft diet is a type of diet that is recommended for relief Problems related to the digestive systemsuch as ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, vomiting, reflux, or surgery.

“soft food Include foods that are easy to chew Be easy to digest, use no condiments or spicy foods, avoid fats or acids, and anything else that may irritate the digestive system. Additionally, food preparation is simple: cooked, steamed or grilled“Explains the health sciences expert at the International University of Valencia.

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