
Abdul Latif Joe Biden, Prime Minister of Daulat Xinping in San Francisco, chairs the Asian Economists’ Group (APEC).

This is what he’s going to do, dictator?” Biden said, based on Toplantisinda Per Mohabrin. Sorusuna yanıt olarak, “Evet, öyle. Bakın o, Tammen Bizimkinden Farklı bir yönetime Dayanan, kommunist ülkeyi yöneten Adam olması anlamında diktator.” Read more.

Biden has become more of a “dictator” than ever before.

“Chen-ABD told me that Chen-ABD has not caught him anymore,” said Chen Dechelry Suzkusu Mao Ning, who said that Pekin had drowned in deep water in the Toplantinda Basin. Aktır ama Bunu başaramayacaklar.” Consecrate.

Biden-Sinpeng Gurosmesinde "dictator" Mission: cin'den tepki - 1

biden daha ons de dictator emacinda bolunmushtu

ABD Başkanı, daha önce de Şi’ye “diktatör” iması yapmıştı. California won a new presidential campaign for Biden, Shenen, USA has great experience with the “balloon issue” that has exacerbated the still unconfirmed “old balloon problem”. üştü.

Biden, “Said. You don’t have to worry about the dictator at this time, it means you won’t be able to do anything.” Read more.

This is the Biden “dictator” who embodies “peace and tranquility.” Quotes by Mao Naing, Biden’s leader who claimed to be “talking about the new”, the “diplomatic protocol of adopting the new” and “getting on with the new” are revealed to be true.

(tags for translation)SHIN

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