Mexico is one of the most polluted countries

This issue has been addressed under past administrations. These attempts are futile as the damage is potential, with permanent effects on the population. For example, sadly, Mexico City is one of the cities with increased rates of pollution, which is very distressing because they are prone to diseases such as deafness, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, blindness, diabetes, cancer, and emotional reactions. can be negatively affected by pollutants.

Toxic contamination is rumored to come from factories located in urban areas; toxic air produced by cars and truck engines in poor condition; garbage dumps scattered throughout the city and rivers turned into garbage receptacles pose a constant danger to all residents of the capital.

The society has the blame on the respective authorities because despite the studies prepared by the experts, they remained on the desk of the outgoing officer while the incoming officer destroyed it to bear with his neck and formulate New research reports, ultimately, only: programs and more programs.

This topic is transcendent because it is directly related to things that should be of interest to everyone: health, life itself, survival. The noise produced by jets is reportedly a crime and many airports are obliged to ensure that jets do not use full power during certain stages of takeoff and follow certain flight paths so as not to fly over specific areas. The population density is high. All the settlers living near the airport are tired of making requests to the relevant authorities to take necessary measures, since some schools unfortunately located near the terrible noise have been closed.

Noise is measured in decibels, and as we have already said, exceeding 90 decibels can cause permanent deafness; even those who are exposed to noisy environments are more prone to aggressive behavior, which limits their concentration and their Blood pressure is also higher.

Let us believe that the actions of the current regime are dynamic and effective, because cleaning the environment is urgent. Otherwise, the resulting death toll will remain at an unpredictable number.

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