National Defense Minister Yaşar Guler: We will buy 40 Eurofighter aircraft

National Defense Minister Yaşar Guler said of military hospitals: “We want to own all our hospitals. There was a problem around July 15th. We have full confidence that over time, all these things will be done in order. Currently, there are 5 hospitals belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces, increasing to 10 hospitals when necessary. We are making efforts every day to open military hospitals, this is a process. We have 713 military students from the Faculty of Medicine affiliated with our Ministry at the University of Health Sciences. We have 29 students in the Faculty of Dentistry and 16 students in the Faculty of Pharmacy. “We cannot get service from them at the moment,” he said.

We will buy 40 Eurofighter planes

Guler explained that he did not support the purchase of F-35 aircraft, saying: “Even in the United States, their flights have been stopped, and Israel cannot fly them.” There are problems that cannot be solved in many countries in Europe. We should consider whether we should buy F-35 aircraft or use our domestic aircraft. He said: “My personal opinion is that I do not support buying it.” Minister Guler indicated that they would buy 40 Eurofighter warplanes from the European Union, and pointed out that Germany opposed this and promised France and Spain that “we would be convinced.”

“Military schools will also open in due course.”

When Guler was asked if there would be a change in the compulsory military service system, he said: “50% compulsory military service, and 50% professional. We have now reached this number.” He said: “I think military schools, like hospitals, will be opened as soon as possible.” “As soon as possible.” In response to the chemical weapons allegations, Guler said: “There is no such thing. Do you think anything would remain secret in this day and age? Would I keep something like that?” He added: “Absolutely not, we are not planning to get anything from “Like this.”

“Cannes will fly in 2031”

The minister stated that the local engine for the national warplane, Kan, will be produced in 2028, noting that the local warplane will fly with its own engine in 2031. Guler indicated that work is continuing to produce 250 Altay tanks, and said that they aim to finish the local engine for this tank. In 2026.

(Tags for translation)July 15-t

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