New statement from Akkuyu Nuclear Company

Didusenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Akkuyu Nuclear Corporation, told Sputnik, at the 15th World Energy Conference held in Istanbul, that the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project, which is being implemented by Rosatom, was implemented as planned, and that the amendment and amendment added that the operating procedures in The first unit will start at the end of this year, as he said is planned.

Noting that more than 25,000 people participated in the implementation of the project, Didusenko said, “The coordinated work of the large international team in each department ensures our progress in accordance with the planned construction program.”

“We are nearing the end of construction work in Unit No. 1. Recently, polar crane tests in the reactor section were completed and the equipment was put into operation. We plan to start modification and commissioning procedures by the end of the year,” Dedosenko said, adding that this is a multi-stage final stage. To build the unit, it consists of a series of control operations necessary for reliable operation of the power plant for many years.

When asked about how the economic situation in Turkey due to the devaluation of the Turkish lira will affect the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant and negotiations related to the construction of other power plants, Didusenko said: “The current situation regarding the devaluation of the Turkish lira is not unique inflationary processes, they are occurring in… All parts of the world and all long-term projects go through these processes in one way or another. “We evaluate our project not only in terms of construction, but also in terms of its complete life cycle, which includes 60 years of operation, which includes the possibility of extension, as the exchange rate of all Many currency types change in both directions.”
The Russian official continued his speech as follows:

“Since our project is located in Turkey and our project company Akkuyu Nuclear is established in the Republic of Turkey, we follow the requirements of Turkish legislation and in line with these requirements, several measures have been taken, including increasing salaries, in light of the current depreciation of the lira. However, it should be noted “The revenue aspect of the project is based on a basket of different currencies which balances inflationary fluctuations and helps reduce inflationary effects. This is one of the factors that allows us to manage the cost of the project. “Contracts for equipment supplied from different countries are also concluded in different currencies, however, “Contracts for most of the equipment have already been concluded.”

“All these factors allow us to claim that the project falls within the framework of the financial and economic model, and we take these factors into account when planning investments,” Didusenko said. Today, we have gained experience in economic efficiency management during the construction of Akkuyu NPP, which is not only one of the country’s large-scale infrastructure projects, but also one of the largest nuclear construction projects in the world, and we are still gaining more experience in changing conditions. “The construction of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is continuing within the framework of the planned financial and economic model, and the experience gained will also be useful for new projects,” he said.

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