20 Best Foods for Gastritis and Their Benefits

Roberto Oliver Bolívar is a clinical and sports nutritionist and expert in high-performance sports nutrition. He holds a Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Granada, membership number AND-00694, and is a member of Doctoralia.

Some of the best athletes in the world parade through its clinics (Nutritrainlife), including Olympic medalists, world and European champions from different sports such as gymnastics, cross-country running or athletics.

He is the author of the book “Nutrition,” in which he expresses part of his philosophy: “Athletes cannot reach the highest level if they do not consider that the most important thing is their health.”

He has over 13 years of experience in the field and together with his team has helped over 6,000 patients around the world.

His experience as a professor in different masters and courses led him to create his own academy of nutrition, health and performance, Nutritrainacademy. He has spoken at universities and high-level sporting events. He spreads nutrition and health on his social network, and despite his late start, his community has not stopped growing and he already has 20,000 followers on Instagram. He also has his own YouTube channel.

He has appeared on television, radio and the media. In addition, it has developed its own line of premium sports supplements designed for the most demanding athletes. In his latest project, an innovative concept of creating healthy nutrition in one of the best wellness hotels in the world comes to the fore.

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