Communities will strengthen hospital capacity to respond to influenza

Communities will strengthen hospital capacity to respond to influenza

Health Minister Fátima Matute announced the news during Thursday’s plenary session of the Madrid parliament, where she detailed the inclusion of 120 doctors, 596 nursing professionals, 561 Technician Assisted Care (TCAE), 115 guards and 22 laboratory technicians, bringing the total number of personnel caring for the adult population to 1,414.

Additionally, regional public health units will “strengthen” their efforts to deal with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the leading cause of bronchiolitis in children. According to the consultant’s explanation, in this case, there were 30 pediatricians, 188 nursing professionals, 150 assistants and 18 guards, for a total of 386 people in pediatrics.

It is to prevent this infection that the Autonomous Community of Madrid began vaccinating 50,000 infants on October 2. “Our commitment is to continue to guarantee high-quality health care for the residents of Madrid at all times and in all circumstances,” Matut explained, adding that the winter plan will also increase the number of beds due to growth in traditional hospitalizations and intensive care.

Therefore, there will be 1,075 more (+5.5%) than last year, of which 166 will be for children and adolescents and 61 for patients in intensive care units.

daily monitoring

The program consists of three phases, initiated based on the frequency of hospital emergencies. To this end, the dashboard will monitor data on a daily basis in order to monitor the epidemiological and healthcare situation in detail so that resources can be allocated where they are most needed.

Furthermore, this initiative requires the efforts of all levels of public health care in Madrid, such as primary care, hospital care, SUMMA112 and the General Directorate of Public Health, which has a sentinel surveillance system for acute respiratory infections caused by the virus. Influenza, COVID-19 and RSV.

The network detects and controls the incidence, epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of circulating pathogens in order to provide the most appropriate response as quickly as possible.

PSOE and MUTUT blame each other for lack of professional staff

During the government-controlled meeting, in which Matut and the Socialist bloc blamed each other over the lack of health professionals, Socialist Party Vice President Carlos Moreno Vinues asked advisers “if doctors are not competent, then what training and What’s the point of training doctors? “Keep them”, which is why he demands improvements in the pay and working conditions of these workers.

Faced with this situation, Fatima Matut asked the socialists to put aside their “ideological prejudices” and join local government “to improve the health of the nation” because “even though they do not want to admit it”, the health professionals Lack of “is a problem”. National issues” “depend not only on the Madrid Community, but on everyone. “

Moreno Vinues recalled the delays in specialist appointments “until 2025”, the situation of “emergency situations without a doctor” or “thousands of children without a designated pediatrician”. “Madam Counselor, this has really broken Spain and torn many families apart,” snapped the deputy. She criticized the “dramatic cuts in MIR quotas” during the National People’s Party government between 2012 and 2018, which “dramatically limited the number of professionals available.” Available”. “.

However, Matute defended the measures being implemented by his ministry on organizational, economic and labor stability issues, before asking the socialists to join the demands of the regional administrations to develop a human resources plan at the national level, Allowing “an increase in the number of training places at the Institute” or MIR and “providing good services” to citizens “not only in Madrid” but “in the whole of Spain”.

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