When Michael Jordan Goes Hitler-Style in Controversial Hanes Ad

The alliance between Michael and the clothing brand Hanes lasted for more than three decades and reached its peak in 2021.

Michael has been involved in numerous commercials which have greatly enhanced the brand’s status.

However, the Hanes ad that aired in 2010 definitely pushed the boundaries.

This particular ad shows Michael Jordan engrossed in reading a newspaper as a man occupies the seat next to him. The man recognized Michael, stood up, and began stretching in the aisle.

When he did, he revealed his Hanes underwear and delved into its detailed description.

The ad ends with Michael smiling and a man in the aisle doing sit-ups.

While the 2010 ad, filled with trading cards, contributed to its success, it also raised some confusing questions.

The strangest element of the ad is the bizarre “Hitler” mustache Michael sports.

This is not just speculation; The beard on Michael’s face surprisingly matches that of the notorious dictator.

Even MJ’s good friend Chuck made no secret of his opinions on this strange choice in the advertisement.

Buckley admitted that the beard was undoubtedly one of the stupidest things he had ever seen.

Buckley commented: “I have to admit, when I saw that ad, it made me watch it again. It was one of the stupidest things I’ve seen in a long time.”

However, Buckley’s warning may be too mild. Considering that Michael’s facial hair resembles that of a ruthless dictator, one might say that he deserves harsher criticism.

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The fallout and backlash of Michael Jordan’s controversial Hanes ad

Michael Jordan has been criticized for choosing to sport a mustache that bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler in a Hanes ad.

The controversial decision sparked considerable backlash and sparked debate about Jordan’s reasoning behind such a bold facial choice.

The resulting public scrutiny and unrest sparked a wave of dissatisfaction with the ad, with many expressing their displeasure.

Despite the negative feedback it received, the controversial ad allegedly led to a sales surge for Hanes, the clothing brand Jordan was promoting at the time.

The ad’s fiasco and subsequent public reaction highlighted the enormous influence celebrities have and the potential impact of their endorsement decisions.

Also read: When Michael Jordan faces illegitimate child accusations amid bizarre stunt with ex-boyfriend Pamela Smith

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