Oceania with The Rock reveals live action Disney release date

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live action of Oceania is coming, but against all odds, it appears to be encountering various organizational difficulties. With the ongoing rescheduling planned by Disney it looks like the release will be planned for the summer of 2025. The date chosen is June 27, 2025.

While the director to direct the live action of Oceania has been chosen, The first news about the release date of the film is finally out., Production at Disney at the moment has resulted in significant delays for some Marvel Cinematic Universe products. Due to the ongoing writers’ strike The studio’s desire to spend more time making its own films followed negative reviews of several films in Hollywood and in Phases 4 and 5.

Currently, in Disney’s overall schedule, Oceania is scheduled two weeks after the release of an unnamed Pixar film and one month before the as-yet unannounced Disney film. Oceania apparently stands in the vein of the massive live action project Disney has been pursuing for years An attempt to revive the golden age of animated cinema, After huge anticipation for The Little Mermaid, it seems that audiences looking forward to getting Snow White’s adaptation (which will hit theaters in 2024) and Oceania’s.

Captain America: Brave New World was pushed back to July 2024 in the first release slip scheduled by Disney. What do you think? Tell us about it in the comments!

Source: ScreenRant

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