Mask use generally recommended; no increase in COVID-19 cases: Health

Camargo – Citizens are skeptical about a possible increase in coronavirus cases in the city, so we turned to experts for more information on the topic.

Prior to this, the IMSS and Pensions Department mandated the use of masks, which could cause panic among the population.

“The general directive comes from the Ministry of Health, which issues recommendations. This is the authority of each agency, but we follow the council’s guidelines and there are no specific directives at this time.” Enrique Muela Mena, head of Region 6 Muela Mena said.

On the other hand, he mentioned that he did not know what the instructions from the pension and IMSS were, although he denied this was the case since they were COVID-19 cases and alerts.

“Not at all, in fact, the number of COVID-19 cases has been declining for about a month and a half, and we already know that the number of cases will continue to rise and fall during the season, which makes people turn to health services more,” there are about 20 cases only confirmed across the region.

In other words, there are no abnormalities and no seasonal epidemiological curves.

“The advice is the same. If any illness occurs, even if it is not coronavirus, it may be the flu or the common cold, masks should continue to be used”, to name a few.

Another recommendation is to get a COVID-19 booster vaccine in addition to vaccinations every flu season and respiratory illnesses. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you are not registered with a health service, these vaccines are free and cannot be refused.

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