Underworld Writings: The Sumerians

Sir, at the end of thousands of years of immigration witchcraft, in our previous article, we finally created the state, invented writing, and showed the world our great skill at causing all kinds of trouble. As they say: Either the state is in trouble, or the crow is in trouble!

We have explained at length that during the Copper Age occupations were transformed into labour, food was transformed into surplus products, social status was transformed into an absolute hierarchy, chiefs were transformed into kings, villages were transformed into cities, matriarchal structures were transformed into patriarchal society, and rituals were transformed into religion. Well, we didn’t call the entire prehistoric era the Age of Metamorphosis for nothing! All the chaos caused by the surplus product, which was seen as the cause of transformation, has now created the grinding wheel that today is called bureaucracy. Everything you do is in vain. Whether you’re the founder of a kingdom, an empire, a lover of theocracy or a champion of democracy; You can divide your country into small principalities, elect a tyrant for each city, or even choose a dictator from among the tyrants. In fact, even if you spend several years following the class struggle, you may never realize that the fight should not be between the rich and the poor, but between the poor and the bureaucracy. Because dividing society into classes is the basic function of bureaucracy, even if you don’t know it. From the moment this system was invented, authority, decision, and of course force, will always belong to the bureaucracy; All your effort, all your efforts will be crushed and lost in the cogs of that wheel. May you be well.

The excitement of the story is lost when the outcome is known in advance, so don’t ask why I gave a ‘spoiler’. Like all human beings who live on earth, we are famous for constantly forgetting two things: first, that we are mortal; Second, the bureaucracy always wins. Well, we’ll forget about this place anyway. Let’s continue our story. Let us make a people migrate from distant places to Mesopotamia and change the course of history. As we said, the history of humanity is actually the history of migration.

Sumerian funeral procession – A. Forestier, 1928

Lord Sumerians; That is, the people of history, that is, the first great civilization known, that is, the ancestors of civilization, that is, a cultural giant whose qualities and praises are countless. At the end of the fourth millennium BC, the huge city of Uruk, which had been founded in the previous era, suddenly collapsed. After a relative gap of a few hundred years, both in this city and in the central and southern regions of Mesopotamia, there were numerous settlements, each ruled by a different dynasty, although there was a unity of language, religion, ethnicity and culture, which today is called the city-state. .

Historians interpreted this change as the beginning of a new era, but when it came to finding a name for the era, they called it the Bronze Age because of a new alloy that they believed was being used at this time. Well, you must have known the writer of these lines all these weeks. Well, you must understand that I will not accept almost everything without questioning. Let’s start with the objections and put an exclamation mark and a question mark on some of the misconceptions that insist on being misunderstood.

First of all, bronze, which was obtained by mixing copper and tin or copper and arsenic, was discovered in the previous era, that is, in the Copper Age. Moreover, its widespread use would be seen at the end of the period called the Bronze Age. In other words, it takes no time to detect or spread. Therefore, it is unreasonable to give the name of this alloy to this era. Come, let us turn from this error and derive a name for ourselves from the true sign of this age.

There is no point in giving another name to this new era in which we have been able to produce, consume, manage, organize construction, myths, beliefs, mathematics, fortune-telling, magic, reproduction, multiplication, war and even death. Allow me to introduce to you, sir: the era of organized societies!

After giving the era its proper name, let us object to the euphemism for the popular dominant culture of the era. Although the general public knows this culture as the Sumerian civilization, the civilization’s creators called themselves “Kingi” or “Kingir” as a people. According to them, Sumer is the name of the place from which they came. That’s why we fix it together. Sumerians, not Sumerians. Then there’s no saying “wow, didn’t hear that” or “wow, didn’t see that”. The occupational disease is known, but I will ask about it verbally or in writing in the future.

As we struggle with history, without realizing it, we have reached the end of the lines assigned to us this week, dear reader. There is neither anger nor discontent. What culture has reached the future without ending its battle with its past? Aren’t we in this situation because we don’t face up to the mistakes we made in the past, we regard the past as always successful, always high, and always holy?

That is why, although our struggle seems to be about the history of the past, our concern is of course about building a beautiful future. Then, assuming there is no surrender, let us fight on and agree to meet next week in the Sumerian Civilization Wars.

Our story will continue. I’m like this!

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