The number of foreigners living in Turkey with a residence permit decreased by 208 thousand in 2023

The Ministry of the Interior, Migration Management Directorate, announced that the number of foreigners living in Turkey with a residence permit is 1,127,383. In this data, more than 208,000 decreases were recorded during the period from January 19 to November 9.

According to data from the Immigration Management Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, as of November 9, the number of foreigners in Turkey holding a residence permit reached 1,127,038. The city of Istanbul, which ranks first in the distribution of foreigners residing in Turkey with temporary residency by governorate, hosted 568,000 foreigners. Antalya ranked second after Istanbul in the number of foreigners living in Turkey with a residence permit. The number of foreigners holding a residence permit in Antalya was recorded at 130,994. Among the cities that received the largest number of residence permits, 71,832 foreigners live in Ankara, 51,566 in Bursa, 41,190 in Mersin, 24,247 in Izmir, and 22,586 in Muğla.

The Russians are first

Russian citizens ranked first among foreigners in Türkiye with a residence permit. The number of Russians living in Turkey with a residence permit was 107,392. Followed by the Russians, 103 thousand 861 citizens of Turkmenistan, 94 thousand 370 Iraqi citizens, 82 thousand 489 Syrian citizens, 79 thousand 181 Iranian citizens, 63 thousand 803 Azerbaijani citizens, 51 thousand 941 Uzbekistan citizens, 43 thousand 591 Afghan citizens, 42 thousand 911 Kazakh citizens. . Citizens: 38 thousand 443 Ukrainian citizens and 419 thousand 56 citizens of other countries are in Turkey with residence permits.

Tunceli, the city where the smallest number of foreigners live

The city where foreigners received the least number of residence permits is Tunceli. After Tunceli, where 53 foreigners live, there are 81 foreigners in Muş, 174 in Bayburt, and 191 in Ardahan with residence permits.

This year, there are 673,355 foreigners in Turkey with short-term residence permits, 140,99 with student residence permits, 114,282 with family residence permits, and 199,302 with other residence permits. Iraqi citizens ranked first among foreigners living in Turkey with short-term residence permits. Iranian citizens ranked first among foreigners in Turkey with student residency, and Azerbaijan ranked first among citizens of other countries in Turkey with family residency.

It rose from 179 thousand to 1 million 127 thousand in 18 years

The number of foreigners in Turkey obtaining a residence permit reached 422,895 in 2015, compared to 178,964 in 2005. The number of foreigners in Turkey obtaining a residence permit increased to 856,470 in 2018, and exceeded one million for the first time in 2019 and reached one million. And 101 thousand 30. This number was recorded at 886 thousand 653 in 2020, one million 314 thousand 181 in 2021, and one million 354 thousand 94 in 2022.

The number of foreigners holding a residence permit in Turkey, which was recorded at 1,335,153 on January 19, 2023, decreased by 15 percent as of November 9. With the departure of 208,115 foreigners, this number decreased to 1,127,38 million.

In Istanbul, where more than half of the foreigners living in Turkey live under a residence permit, the number of resident foreigners reached 705,556 on January 19, while this number decreased to 568,000 as of November 9. From January 19 to November 9, the number of foreigners with a residence permit in Istanbul decreased by 137,556.

26 thousand and 386 foreigners left Antalya

The number of foreigners holding a residence permit in Antalya, which received intense immigration after the epidemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine, decreased by 26,386 in the period from January 19 to November 9. The number of foreigners living in Antalya with 157,575 residence permits on January 19 decreased to 130,994 as of November 9. ;

55,698 people from Russia and Ukraine returned to their countries

The number of citizens of these two countries who immigrated to Turkey after the war between Russia and Ukraine decreased by 27 percent as of November 9. While the total number of Ukrainian and Russian citizens in Turkey with residence permits reached 201,533 on January 19, this number became 145,835 as of November 9. Between these dates, 55,698 Russians and Ukrainians returned to their countries. The number of Russian citizens decreased from 154 thousand 297 to 107 thousand 392, and the number of Ukrainians decreased from 47 thousand 236 to 38 thousand 443. (Dubai Health Authority)

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