How will Valentina take revenge on Juanjo and Alicia in Generación 98?final

98 generations is at a critical stage of dissemination Hernan “Chico” Olmedo (Gabriel Canas) His long-awaited revenge against his former classmates moves forward, and other secrets begin to surface.

One of them is a family drama played by Valentina. Maria Gracia Omeniashe gradually begins to unravel the secrets her husband has hidden.

in conversation “Spoiler Alert” The actress detailed what will happen to Valentina in the coming chapters in “Mega” and predicted what future the character might have.

As fans already know, in telesye’s latest chapter Valentina getting closer and closer to discovery Juanjo (Nicholas Poblet)) has another family, and Alicia (Lorena Capetillo) She is not only his client, but also the mother of his four daughters and his lover for more than ten years.

What will happen to Valentina in Generation 98?

In the trailer for Teleserye it looks like Vail arrives in Cajon del Maipo to confront Alicia; He treats her badly and points out that Juancho will never love her the way he loves her.

After leaving home, she got into her car, but her husband’s mistress followed her and continued to yell at her, causing Valentina to back up in the car, startling her.

Also in the most recent chapter, his daughter Jacinta discovers the truth after Alicia reveals her father’s secret by sending messages to a minor posing as Sofia. After a long discussion, he admitted that it was true, but that he couldn’t tell anyone to protect his family.

Regarding what happened to Valentina and the truth she inevitably encountered, the actress noted: “You still have to understand that he is a figure in the realm of power. She is the most powerful among the three. I think Alicia is more eager to get a space and Vale on the other hand is the boss. “

Of Veer’s reaction to discovering the horrific betrayal, the actress said: “Do you think he won’t take revenge? Everything will happen to him. Obviously she’s going to be vindictive, she’s going to be cruel, she’s going to be logical, she’s going to be rational because she’s a smart woman. “.

Her husband’s lover Alicia wants her daughter to be recognized and for them to stop their secret relationship. “The core values ​​and standards she is most proud of are being a mother and having a family. Imagine there are two lionesses fighting for the same thing.”Maria Gracia said.

“What’s going to happen to him is so heavy that I don’t think he’s going to be dyed a single color. I think Valentina is going to lose her center and in that loss a lot of things can happen. All kinds of things can happen.” Emotions will flash through your curious mind.”

“Although he smelled it, I think it frightened him so much that he couldn’t take it. “I think it would be difficult for someone like her to take something like that,” he added.

Check out the interview below

What would you like to see happen to Valentina at the end of Generation 98?

What would you like to see happen to Valentina at the end of Generation 98?

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