Spectacular sunsets and spring temperatures in Barcelona this Saturday

this Sunset They are often phenomena that fascinate those who think about them. But in eastern coastal cities, they tend to be less visible as the sun sets in the west.

Sometimes, however, when the sky is close to the horizon, enough cloud cover can turn the sky red and orange, like a simulated sky fire.

To understand why this happens, we must consider Sunlight is made up of different colors. As light passes through Earth’s atmosphere, it acts as a medium that disperses sunlight into different wavelengths, a process that is most noticeable at dawn and dusk.

During the day, when the Sun is high in the sky, sunlight has to pass through less of the atmosphere before reaching the Earth’s surface. Under these conditions, the atmosphere preferentially scatters shorter wavelengths (such as blue and violet hues); this is why we see blue skies.

light dispersion

However, at sunset, the sun below the horizon Sunlight has to pass through more of the atmosphere to reach our eyes. Shorter wavelengths (blue and violet) tend to disperse and scatter more as they travel through the atmosphere, while longer wavelengths (red and orange) are less affected by this scattering.

result, red and orange shades At sunset, they become more prominent in the sky, creating beautiful warm colors.This phenomenon is also known as Rayleigh scattering and causes changes in sky color at different times of day.

when we look at a sunset on a foggy daythe red color is more pronounced because the haze-forming particles scatter blue light very efficiently.

beautiful sunset

That’s what happened this Saturday in Barcelona, ​​at sunset, around 5:30 p.m. beautiful show Meteorologist Alfons Puertas from Fabra Observatorya privileged enclave from which the entire city of Barcelona can be seen.

Puertas is a meteorologist who often takes beautiful photos from his vantage point.That same week he photographed the Serade Mountains Tramuntana, Mallorcaa strange sight that is often common, especially in the autumn and winter months, when weather conditions allow to “bridge” the distance (200 km), bringing the Balearic Islands “closer” to Barcelona.

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