Why communicate science in Galician?

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, friends of Gciencia asked me for an opinion piece on the importance of communicating science and doing so in the Galician language. Obviously tell them yes, even if the principle isn’t as clear as you make it. So I call it, For dissemination, it is often useful to go through examples That’s what I’m saying now, using an example like Gciencia’s that has been going on for ten years.occurred during a conversation cocoesto gold mine These centers are located in Carvalho at the request of the Instituto de Estudos Bergantiñáns.where there are possible assumptions or arsenic. The company says it’s an indisputable fact that arsenic is present in the rock, as they intend to placate the populace by suggesting the rock is not dependent on the mine… but interestingly they ignore the transcendent importance of the particle color to the rock size and specific surface area.

The auditorium was packed with spectators of all abilities, expertise and educational levels. How do I explain to them that arsenic is a significant health and environmental issue? The answer can only be one: an example, of course. But Carl? It was necessary to find a direct analogy in the daily life of the two assistants. D’Aquila, what’s more important than bread and coffee?


Imagine you ask a child to prepare a cup of coffee for you and then watch him start pouring the beans directly into the coffee shop. As for you, I’ll tell you right away that it doesn’t work that way, because you first have to grind the coffee to extract the aroma and flavor. If you want to make bread, you know you cannot directly cover the grains of wheat, centeo or millet because it will not ferment, which is why we make bread in the first place. Likewise, many people hope to crush the massive rocks at Coco Esto to extract the gold… but everything they do to increase the solubility of the gold will also increase the solubility of the arsenic. You have to remember that in the Corcoesto rock there is a quarter of a kilogram of arsenic for every gram of gold! By cutting the rock to extract the gold, the mine will greatly increase the solubility of arsenic, thereby increasing arsenic’s health and environmental risks.

At the end of the conversation, several people came up to me to thank me. Muller, one of the men who will be directly affected by the mine, told me that a few days ago he attended a meeting held by the company to explain the project to his neighbors, but that he could not understand anything they said there. words, because it seems like they speak our language, but at least he will understand me. I will never pinch your face with gratitude.

Velaquí emphasized the importance of communicating science, and also in the Galician language. Parabens and Gciencia for long life.

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