Goodbye, never see you again

In the past year, 129 people diagnosed with lung cancer. This tumor is more common in men and is the leading cause of death in Spain. Smokers, even occasional smokers, are 15 to 30 times more likely to contract the disease This is why the Ministry of Health is starting a new battle Trying to eliminate tobacco with the new drug “Recigarum” Quit smoking within 25 days.

this medicine It can now be found in pharmacies. It’s the second drug to say goodbye to cigarettes that public health professionals have prescribed with promising results. “Those who tried and completed the treatment even started to hate nicotine,” explains José Bermejo, a pharmacist from Palencia. He recognizes that in recent days many people have come out against this Interest is shown in new treatments. If it actually works, if it’s contraindicated, if you’re advised to use it, or what happens if you end up relapsing, these are the most repeated questions behind the pharmacy counter these days.

Pharmacists can give advice but the truth is to get subsidies It is necessary to see a family doctor.“With this recipe, the cost dropped from more than 100 euros to 40 euros.if you are a pensioner, less,” he clarified.

its about A great solution for those who have been smoking for years Even if they tried, they couldn’t quit, not even with a patch, gum, or spray. Unlike “Recigarum”, all these products provide the body with a direct contribution of nicotine. “This new treatment Directly attacks nicotine receptors“explained Bermejo. What does this mean? Well, this drug can reduce dependence on smoking, and, Minimize frightening anxiety, This is one of the scariest aspects for those who want to quit smoking.

Mercedes Sánchez recognized it when she walked down the street with a cigarette in her mouth. She said she had been smoking for more than 40 years but nerves and anxiety had always stood in her way when it came to quitting a habit that was so harmful to her health. Josefa Arastegui, a dispensary customer and “occasional” smoker, thought the same thing. For his part, he admits to “trying everything,” although he never managed to stop. Behind her, another woman from Palencia, Ana Rodríguez, nodded as she spoke. “I encourage everyone to quit smoking. I lost my husband to smoking and quitting is the best thing you can do. For themselves and those around them,” he admits.

In this case, the main novelty of “Todacitan” (a drug that was previously paid for by the state health system and even sold out in pharmacies) is: “Recigarum” is presented in a blister with a calendar to avoid forgetting and improve its adhesion. Until the third day, you must take one tablet every two hours Although dose reduction Gradually increase to two pills per day. Patients should forget about tobacco on the fifth day after starting treatment and should never continue smoking while taking the drug, as this may cause adverse effects in the patient’s body. Additionally, those who relapse once completed can try again after two or three months, although this new opportunity will no longer be subsidized by Social Security.

In fact, there is no secret, The most important thing to become a quitter is to truly believe. Valeria Sánchez, a psycho-oncologist at the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) in Palencia, which runs support groups to help people quit smoking, believes this too. They confirmed that about 48% of participants managed to forget about tobacco, but the results varied widely depending on whether the person did so voluntarily or under pressure (e.g. from the family environment). “In 2023, three groups were held, and of the 20 people who signed up, 10 successfully quit smoking, and 7 of them have still not tried tobacco.”

Sanchez also recalled that people often associate tobacco with lung cancer, forgetting that it can cause or exacerbate many other conditions, such as throat cancer, high blood pressure, bronchitis or stroke. “Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 chemicals, 250 of which are harmful and 50 of which cause cancer, of which tar is the most harmful,” he explained.

These workshops organized by the AECC are supervised by a doctor who provides advice and assistance to registrants. “This goes to show that it’s always a good option to see your family doctor and get help,” Sanchez said. One way to avoid health problems and start a new smoke-free life.

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