Lady Gaga will launch her cosmetic without makeup

Lady Gaga Without Makeup: Without Makeup 1

Have you ever seen it undone? Lady Gaga She is a true authority on makeup. More often than not, the artist chooses to be daring with makeup, proposing an image that is showy and colorful. That’s why it’s surprising to see her on social media with soap and water all over her face, especially if you consider that the natural shots celebrate the launch of her cosmetics line House Labs in store Sephora,

social shot

Lady Gaga Without Makeup: Here Are The Stars Without Makeup 2
lady gaga soap and water

A pink sweatshirt, tousled blonde hair and a face of soap and water, with lips only slightly illuminated by a veil of gloss. Lady Gaga She couldn’t be more natural than she looks in the shots she posted on Instagram. A simple and clean image, very different from the image that pop stars usually give themselves during social events. Not bad even without makeup!

Read also >>>Make-up-free and happy: VIP on social networks<<

always bold look

lady gaga dress gucci cover
Bold in look and makeup

To Lady Gaga She loves to play with her image and makeup plays a major role in it. The pop star’s outfits are never left to chance, and behind every bold outfit there is a specific message to be sent to the masses. Whether it is in a sophisticated and chic version, or eccentric and over the top, it is sure that the makeup accompanies the fashion choices, completing them and emphasizing the mood every time.

beauty line

Lady Gaga Foundation Haus Labs
lady gaga cosmetics

His passion for the world of beauty has brought Lady Gaga to launch in early 2019 House Labs, a line of cosmetics that focuses on sustainability, offering vegan and cruelty-free products with packaging created to reduce environmental impact. New Line Distributed by Sephora (currently only in the Canadian and British markets), composed of ninety products ranging from multiple shades: from the most natural to the most pigmented To be able to experiment and play freely with one’s image, learning from an extraordinary teacher .

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