Climate Guatemala | Weather Forecast from Monday 20th November to Sunday 26th November

this week According to a report by experts from the Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh), warm and sunny weather is expected, with temperatures dropping at night and in the early morning, especially in the highest places in the west.

forecast. Experts They are expected to be affected by high pressure throughout the week, which could lead to clear skies in the morning mainly from the south to central parts of the country.

  • Due to less cloud cover during the day, the minimum temperature may drop to 2°C at night and early morning in the western region, and to 10°C in the central plateau.
  • Maximum temperatures will remain below 34°C in the north, Pacific and eastern valleys.
  • During the first days of the week, starting from Wednesday, the Central Plateau and Oriental Valley will be affected by southerly and northerly winds, with wind speeds varying between 30 and 35 km/h.

They warned of a cold front. this is possible Starting Thursday, November 23, a cold front will slowly move from the Yucatan Peninsula.

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  • YesScattered rainfall is possible across the country as southerly winds and moisture from the Pacific are forecast, while heavy rainfall is possible south of Petén, in the Caribbean Sea and on the volcanic chain, possibly accompanied by electrical activity.
  • Insivumeh expert Ana Gabriela Pérez reports that no tropical cyclones are expected to form in any ocean this week.

suggestion. Iauthorities The Ministry of Health is asking people to consider the advice on preventing severe acute respiratory infections. The most common illnesses are: common cold, flu or influenza, tonsillitis, laryngitis, acute otitis media, pneumonia and covid-19.

  • Breathe through your nose (not your mouth), allowing warm air to enter your lungs. At night, hang curtains or cardboard over your windows to prevent heat loss. Cover holes and cracks in walls where cold can get in.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with paper or disposable tissues and put them in the trash. Stay home until you recover to avoid infecting others.
  • Do not share cutlery, straws, glasses, plates, food or drinks with sick people; use facial masks and eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin “C” such as citrus fruits, guavas, peppers and broccoli.
  • Maintain a physical distance of 1.5 to 2 meters from sick people; do not self-medicate and go to the nearest health center.

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