Sophia Loren: from Greece to Capri, from Sorrento to Ischia, 5 iconic destinations of her films

Lorraine, who is 25 here, is perfect in the role of Lucia, the capricious aunt of little Nando, the child whom his uncle wants to take with him from America to give him an international education. You’ll have to change your mind, dear Gable: Capri (and Sofia/Lucia) will charm him. The island is as much a hero as Lorraine: the port of Marina Grande, historic squareThe Blue Grotto, where Gable and Lorraine dive from a rowboat to swim unhindered, is the Oscar location. And who can forget Sophia’s song You want to be American?

a new sophia

and finally here Valleys of Comacchiohero of river womandirector Mario Solati, 1955 film that charles ponti Made for comparisons to Lorraine with Mangano’s figure, an unforgettable Weider bitter rice, a film produced by former partner De Laurentiis. There’s Lorraine Nieves, a worker who kills eels: she may seem like the classic meek female character who lets life take her down, but she’s actually a courageous and determined individual. he took part in the film Alberto Moravia and Ennio Flaiano, creators of the theme, Giorgio Bassani, Franchina E. pier paolo pasoliniwas the writer of the screenplay, while Florestano Vancini was the assistant director.

A picture of Lorraine on the set of river woman By Mario Solati, set in the valleys of Comacchio.

Donaldson Collection / Getty Images

All exteriors were filmed in the Valli di Comacchio and Lido di Volano area. Nives works inside the former Valli di Comacchio company – the current Manifattura dei Marinati: celebrate filming in the Sala dei Fucci, where the eel was marinated. The small house where Nieves/Sofia lived still exists and is located in the area sickle cut, The Po Delta thus became the protagonist of a film that was much loved by Italians – less so by critics who called it a “melodrama” – and so the Lido di Volano, Taglio della False and Pila’s reed bed Tolle in Porto. was immortalized with civilians who participated in the film as extras, effectively sanctioning Sophia Loren’s birth as a dramatic actress.

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