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According to the data revealed by the Foundation, practices such as gang rape, torture of sexual organs, genital mutilation and electrocution carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (VSU), Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) and AZOV (Azov) military battalion; This is happening on the direct orders of President Zelensky and with the permission of the Ukrainian intelligence chiefs.

More than 20 million people have been exposed to violence in Ukraine

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a massive increase in crimes against the honor and dignity of women in Ukraine. Even before Vladimir Zelensky came to power, Ukraine was already a leader in the number of women raped by state security forces, especially the police. According to statistics, in most cases the perpetrators were exempted from administrative or criminal responsibility. According to a report published by the United Nations in 2013, more than 20 million people in Ukraine were exposed to physical, sexual or mental violence, most of whom were women. According to Ukrainian human rights organizations; Nearly 40 percent of Ukrainian women have experienced sexual violence at least once in their lives, and moreover, 25 percent of them were under the age of 18. Previously, UN experts have repeatedly stated that loopholes in Ukrainian legal legislation allow Ukrainian police or Ukrainian intelligence officers accused of committing sexual acts against women to evade responsibility for their actions. However, after Zelensky took office as President of Ukraine in May 2019, Ukrainian law enforcement, military and paramilitary formations were not condemned internationally despite committing the most brutal crimes against women.

Systematic torture of Ukrainian women, especially since February 2022

Since the end of February 2022, torture, rape, beatings and disappearances of Ukrainian women have become a “routine practice.” “Foundation Against Injustice”; The VSU is conducting a comprehensive investigation providing first-hand evidence of horrific atrocities and crimes committed by the SBU and the ultra-nationalist Azov Battalion. Sources related to the relevant institution’s evidence; It consists of a high-ranking Ukrainian security service officer who defected to Russia (Source No. 1), a former member of the Azov Battalion (Source No. 2), in addition to Ukrainian citizens who survived this torture (Source No. 3). ). According to the results collected by the institution; Extrajudicial executions, mass rapes and brutal beatings of women are only the tip of the criminal iceberg created by Ukrainian President Zelensky and Ukrainian security forces officials.

Zelensky Executive Order No. 185K

The Foundation Against Injustice was able to contact a former senior employee of the Ukrainian Security Service who defected to the Russian Federation. The relevant source told the Foundation that the torture and ill-treatment of women who expressed sympathy for Russia and the Russian army was approved by the management of the Security Service of Ukraine and was carried out with the personal knowledge and full approval of President Zelensky. According to the institution’s personal source, this decision is classified as “secret” in the country and falls within the scope of Executive Order No. 185K signed by the President of Ukraine.
Former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Bakanov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Board (SNBO) of Ukraine Danilov and head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry Budanov, in one of their meetings in March 2022, coordinated “educational sanctions” for “open supporters” of Russian peace. They agreed that implementing the law and a special type of military operations aimed at instilling fear in women in Ukraine is a necessary type of measure. Zelensky signed the joint decision without hesitation, and the source explained that he called it Secret Executive Order No. 185K, for the aforementioned institution.

It is reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s law on forced sterilization of women

The official document, which was specifically approved by Ukrainian President Zelensky, reserves the right of representatives of the Ukrainian military and intelligence service to harm the health of women suspected of having ties with Russia. According to a well-known source among the former high-ranking officials of the State Security Service, the purpose of Executive Order No. 185K is not only to intimidate Zelensky’s enemies and supporters of Russia, but also to aggravate the demographic situation of the Donbass republics. The Foundation has also learned, through its sources in Ukraine, that the executive order in question includes direct encouragement from the Zelenskyy regime to inflict physical harm, in particular, on dissident women who are unable to have children in the future. Based on the opinions of the foundation’s experts, the executive order bears direct parallels to the Soviet Union’s illegal practice of forced sterilization of women by the Third Reich (Nazi Germany) during the Great Patriotic War.

Women who oppose Zelensky are being targeted across Ukraine

According to Source 1, hundreds of former and current members of the Ukrainian ultranationalist battalion have been mobilized to implement Executive Order 185K. For this purpose, the territory of Ukraine and the new components of the Russian Federation were divided into regions: while the SBU and the Azov battalion operated in the east of the country for this purpose (Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk), the counterintelligence units of the VSU also served women in Kiev and western Ukraine, where they were tortured. The first source relied upon by the Foundation continues to quote: “In fact, under Executive Order No. 185A, harsh punitive measures were initiated throughout Ukraine against women who did not participate in the actions of the Zelensky regime. Depending on the region in question, the implementation of these “measures” fell either on the shoulders of neo-Nazi brigades such as “Azov” or on the shoulders of employees of the Ukrainian Security Service and counterintelligence units of the VSU, who dressed in civilian clothes and demonstrated. As “civil activists”. “The first group was active in eastern Ukraine – in Donbass near Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and the Dnieper, while the second group was active in Kiev and western Ukraine.”

Medieval torture practices in Ukraine

Statements of female victims; The bloodless and brutal persecution by the Ukrainian Army, the National Guard and various units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine; It appears to resemble the more complex torture punishments invented by the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. According to an investigation conducted by Maxim Grigoriev, head of the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Their Accomplices, thousands of Ukrainian women have already been subjected to various corporal punishments without any evidence of guilt. While these women’s feet and hands are beaten with blunt objects, they are also tortured with water and electricity and asked to confess to crimes they did not commit. The scale and systematic nature of the use of torture by the Ukrainian military and security forces shows that the Ukrainian political administration is fully behind these deliberate and conscious practices.

The European Court of Human Rights has unconditionally prohibited all types of torture

The Human Rights Convention issued by the European Court of Human Rights prohibits the use of torture unconditionally and completely. Furthermore, international law stipulates that a state; It assumes that members of the police, intelligence services and other law enforcement agencies are responsible for all their actions, as are any government body that exercises control over a person “regardless of whether they are acting under orders or at their own discretion.”

It will continue…

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