Menorcan consultant sacked by the People’s Party “spoofed” several proposals of the popular party and forced the Socialist Workers Party to support them

The first consequences have already been had last week when the government agreement between the PP and Vox collapsed in Menorca’s parliament, with the expulsion of Maite de Medrano, the only representative of the far right in the government team. At Monday’s first plenary session, where conservatives are in the minority, de Medrano opposed several initiatives put forward by the conservatives, which led left-wing parties to vote in their favor.

“The Mallorca Council Plenary creates a new relationship with its government partners to date. Vox votes against the 25N manifesto against sexist violence and systematically opposes all proposals of the government team. Adopted by the Socialist Party of Menorca X (formerly Twitter) said, “Stage or warn the PPP about what awaits them? “.

Another proposal rejected by Vox was the one aimed at promoting and promoting seasonal vaccination against common influenza and COVID-19, which was adopted with 12 votes in favor and only 1 against by the PP, PSOE and Més per Menorca. By de Medrano.

Menorcan parliament president Adolfo Villafranca confirmed last Tuesday that the People’s Party will govern alone for three and a half years after announcing the dismissal of de Medrano as minister of housing, urban agenda, innovation and employment. The head of the agency said he took the decision due to a “lack of activity” in the department, explaining that areas hitherto the responsibility of Vox MPs will be redistributed among other departments.

In the midst of the crisis between the PP in Menorca and Vox, a few days ago Consell also fired the director of the island, Ricardo Galí Asmarats, after MP De Medrano took to her social networks to denounce the “blockade” of Galí’s dismissal by the PP (Vox ), who was appointed on August 8 with a “complete and complete loss of confidence”.

Last October, Galli was appointed director of the Tourism Initiative Company for Alcalá Sur and Costa Noroeste, according to public broadcaster and television station IB3 and confirmed by, in line with his role as a senior official of the supermarket-level agency Job incompatibility. Among the advisers to the two commercial companies were several members of the Orleans Borbón and Parodi Delfino families, who were the leaders of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I. Distant cousin of I).

Medrano posted an email to the committee president on his network in which he reiterated his demand for the island’s director to be fired and for the “immediate” appointment of Marta Olivier Fosse, according to the far-right party The MP said that she “has facilitated his resume and made it available to the island government to expedite his appointment as much as possible.” Finally, as the agency announced, Gali was replaced by Jame Federich Kare De Medrano immediately expressed strong objections to the appointment of Jaume Fedelich Carretero, who argued that the isolated director assigned to her department should be elected by herself “because he is a trustworthy position.” That’s the deal we made. ”

PSIB asks PP to terminate agreement with Vox

From the PSIB’s point of view, considering that the government team composed of the PP and the far right suffered two crises in 2017, they have been asking the Consell chairman for several days to break the agreement with Vox. the past four months.

“This is an agreement that has been weakened by the imposition of Mallorca, which is why we ask Villafranca to be brave and break this agreement that is harmful to citizens, not only because of the instability of the system, but also because of the growing radicalism of Vox Increased policies and requirements,” said Susana Mora, PSOE spokesperson for the island agency.

Socialist MP Eduardo Robusi criticized the inaction of Medrano’s leadership of his department, which he summed up as “smoke and mirrors.” Specifically, the socialist said that since his 122nd day in office, there have only been 40 days when an event has appeared on his public agenda. “In fact, half of July, August and September look completely blank,” he stressed. Likewise, he questioned the suitability of the isolated director proposed by Councilor Vox, who, according to him, has no work experience or specialized training in the areas she must manage.

It is worth remembering that another crisis mentioned by the socialists was the birthday party of the daughter of former Director of Sustainable Projects and Cooperation Marta Febrer, which took place in Mauao at the beginning of September last year. The lazaretto violated the law and there were about 65 people present. The infrastructure is publicly owned and was built in 1793 as a bastion of health. Hours after the news broke, Villafranca fired Febrear.

“These actions are intolerable. As public servants, we must be very careful in managing assets that belong to all citizens. Therefore, I made the decision after having direct knowledge of the case,” Villafranca said.

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